Chapter Two

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The next two days went by pretty quickly for Kagome. Once the Hokage realized that she knew practically nothing about the world, he sent her some books that she could read to help her learn. She would guess that all of these books contained information that anybody could get access too. The older man seemed smart and until she was vetted by the Yamanaka clan member he had mentioned, she would learn nothing besides the most common information. What she learned from the books was interesting, to say the least. The world was split between nine main countries, though there were some minor countries as well. Each of the main countries had a hidden village, which she was guessing was more like capitals more than anything else. She was currently in the land of fire, in the village hidden in the leaves, Konoha. This world did not have demons as hers did, however, it had nine demons spread across the countries. Oddly enough one demon for each main country. These demons weren't allowed to wander free however, they were sealed into people. Which she thought was unusually cruel to both the demons and humans. She had tried to find out more information on that topic, but she had only found the one small chapter in the book she originally found it from.

The main thing that was different from her original world was chakra. Chakra was in almost everything, in the very air they breathed. This chakra gave people power, the more chakra they were able to hold the stronger they were. This brought upon the creation of ninja many, many years ago. Kagome was fascinated by the idea of regular humans being able to manipulate elements into amazing attacks. It reminded her of what demons were capable of from her world. She knew that she had chakra within her now, she was very curious to see if she was able to do anything like the books explained. Would she just have enough chakra within her to keep her alive like a civilian, or would she have enough to become a kunoichi? She would have to meditate as soon as she was completely alone, to see what she could sense within her. She had gotten really good at seeing her Ki core with the help of Kikyo. She wondered if she would just have another core for chakra, or if it would be somehow merged with her Ki.

She was in the middle of reading about how the chakra works along with the body when there was a knock on her door. She turned her head, expecting to see Doctor Hosho, only to see the Hokage and a new man. The new man seemed to be around the age of eighteen. He had long blond hair tied up in a ponytail. Around his forehead was tied a headband with a metal plate attached to it, with an odd design inscribed into it.

"Hokage-sama. What brings you here today?" Kagome asked politely. There was no need to rude to the person possibly giving her a future place to stay.

"Good afternoon Kagome-chan. This here is Inoichi Yamanaka, he will be doing the mind walk we talked about. Doctor Hosho has deemed you healed enough to be able to handle the mind walk." The Hokage explained.

Kagome looked at the blond man with new eyes, she had totally forgotten that the vetting the man was supposed to do was read her mind. The story that she had made up was going to be completely useless if the man was going to be able to see everything. It wasn't like she was going to be able to stop them; this was going to happen one way or another. It would probably be better for her, in the long run, to do this willingly. She wasn't happy about it though; she had a couple of really bad experiences with people messing with her mind. This guy hopefully wouldn't be messing with her mind though, simply looking at her memories. If the guy did start doing something weird, she always did have a natural ability to be able to shake them out of her head. The biggest question she had was, what would they do to her after that. While she had become a decent fighter; training under Sango, Miroku, and even Sesshomaru... she was no longer her original size so her coordination would be all off, and her back was still very injured. Plus, she had no idea what they were capable of; what kind of jutsu's they could do. She would be completely defenseless against them if they decided she was a threat to the village. She really hoped that they were understanding. She suddenly realized that she had been silent for a while.

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