Chapter 7

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The past couple of months had gone by surprisingly fast, but that was fine with Kagome. Her only problem lately was that the longer she spent in this world, the more she had been missing her old one. She knew going back wasn't an option so she tried her best to ignore those thoughts, but it was like her old friends were making sure they were all she could think about.

It had started small; one day she had been helping Shikaku with the deer, like normal when a stray thought popped into her mind. Shippo would really enjoy this. Her thoughts had ground to a halt after that. She hadn't really thought about her friends before then, she had been actively trying not to. She knew she would miss them too much if she kept going down that path. The next few weeks it seemed like anything she saw reminded her of one friend or another.

She would see kunoichi training and her mind would drift to Sango. Kagome had managed to ask Minato to start training her to be a kunoichi. He had been reluctant at first, but he had eventually come around. As she ran through drills, she wondered how Sango would do a certain move. Or, how proud Sango would be of her of finally taking her training seriously. As Minato and herself walked past one of the local hot spring baths, she would remember all the times she and Sango snuck off to take baths together and just have some girl-talk time. She missed the simple girl time she had with her sister.

Seeing kids playing together in the park would make her mind whip to Shippo, Rin, and Kanna. They had managed to save Kanna from Naraku a few months before the final battle and she had chosen to travel with them. Kanna wasn't the most emotive kid, but she had been getting better towards the end. She would see Kanna in the kids that kept more to themselves, but still close enough to be involved in what was going on. Kagome could walk past a patch of flowers and all she could think about was Rin. Rin loved flowers, particularly making flower crowns out of them. Practically everything reminded her of Shippo, her precious Shippo. She felt so bad having made Shippo lose another parent. She missed Shippo so much it hurt at times; he was her kit. She had adopted him as her own and all she wanted was him back at her side. She knew that wasn't possible however so she had started trying to avoid other kids. At least for a while, all they did was remind her of her lost son.

She had passed a guy in the street with white hair and then all she could think about was Inuyasha. The shinobi she would see on the streets that kept their emotions to themselves also reminded her of him. Or the ninja she saw that seemed to fight more with brute strength than strategy. Inuyasha was her best friend, still was her best friend, and probably would always remain her best friend. There was a lot of little things she would see or hear that would make her think of him, it was starting to become like a kind of torture.

She would be reminded of Miroku as guys flirted with their girlfriends. Bad pick-up lines especially made her think of her older brother figure. As she played Shogi with Shikaku her mind would drift to Miroku attempting to teach her. His wise words, usually followed by something inappropriate but that was just Miroku. In the feudal era, Miroku was the person that helped her learn the most, the people training her made her think of her first teacher the most. Training had become an almost double-edged blade.

She missed all of her friends so much and she didn't even have a picture to remind her of them. She missed her family as well. Her mama, grandpa, and Sota. She wondered what Inuyasha had told her family, or if he had told them anything. Had he even been able to tell them? It was possible the well stopped working after she had left that world. Would her family forever be wondering what happened to her, if she was still alive? What would be better for them? On one hand, they could stay ignorant and still hold onto a glimmer of hope of her returning home one day. On the other it's not like any of her friends knew what actually happened to her after she fell through the portal, so what would they be able to tell her family? Sorry, Kagome disappeared and we don't know if she's even alive or not. Yeah, probably not a nice way to go about it. She hopes that her mom won't be too sad about her not coming back. She didn't want her mom going through the rest of her life in depression. Also, she hopes that Sota will forgive her for breaking the promise she had made to him so long ago. A promise of staying alive and always returning to him. She had broken that promise, perhaps not in the way he had meant, but it was still broken.

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