Chapter 24

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Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm having a bit of writer's block and I knew that I needed to at least get something out. So I hope that you enjoy this smaller chapter.

Kagome flipped through the seven-page test and her eyes grew wide in astonishment. Some of the questions were ridiculous. Definitely not common knowledge the average genin would know. She didn't think she would have too much trouble with it, not with her unique circumstances. Most of her first year in this world was spent devouring any and all information about the world she was now in. That involved information about the different villages, geography, shinobi protocol, jutsu, and pretty much anything else she could get her hands on. She definitely studied a lot more expansively than most genin would. And studied much more than she would have in the past. To her surprise, there were even algebra and geometry type questions. Her history of middle school knowledge from Tokyo would definitely help her out with those. She wasn't even sure if the academy taught mathematics. They definitely didn't in the year that she had attended, but there was a chance that they could teach that to the older classes. They had only had an hour and a half to finish the eighty-question test, so she had better get started.

Due to her experiences in middle school and her first year of high school before she had dropped out she blew through most of the test in the first forty-five minutes. She was very used to going through her tests as fast and efficiently as possible. She was sure that the answers she got finished she had correct, however, she was still missing a few. Now, she knew that she already passed the first part of the chunin as she definitely had more than 50% of the answers correct, unless the proctor threw something else at them and she had no plans of talking. However, if this really was just a written test, and it was beginning to look like it was, she really wanted to overachieve here and get a 100% on her test. The better score they got, the more impressive their overall score for the chunin exams would be. If she was going to become a chunin might as well go all of the way and be the most impressive out of the whole group. She didn't even care that it would make her more of a target.

That thought suddenly struck her as odd. The old her wouldn't have cared about such things. All she would have cared about was passing the test, she wouldn't have cared about acing it. Her mind drifted for a moment as she realized just how much she had already changed since coming to this world. She had it in her mind at the beginning that she would grow right back up into the same person she had been. Was that not going to be true anymore? Kagome Higurashi before the well never really had much to worry about; her family, her friends, and keeping up with her school work. Kagome Higurashi after the well had entirely more to worry about, but she still hadn't changed all that much. Sure, while she had wanted to learn more to be less of a damsel in distress and not just be in the way all the time, at the same time she had been alright with Inuyasha doing most of the fighting. Now, the thought of her sitting back and letting someone else fight for her now made her almost angry. Kagome Namikaze on the other hand was a fighter who wanted to prove herself to her friends. Make her family proud of her, and be the absolute best kunoichi that she could be. Was that because she was being raised differently this time around. The younger years of one's life were the most formative for one's personality. She began to wonder what she was going to be like after even more years of living in this world and being raised by Minato and Jiraiya. But first, passing these exams.

Kagome made a show of biting her pencil in apparent frustration for the test as she secretly took note of where the undercover chunin or jonin were. To her luck, there was one right behind her. She closed her eyes in what the proctor would hopefully think was deep though, but in reality, she delved into her mind.

"Hey Magatsuhi, do you think you have enough energy to do a little spying through your sword?" Kagome asked him. He couldn't do a whole lot through the sword, but one thing he could do was view the area around his sword, mainly through the hilt of the sword. He couldn't see forever, obviously, only about a room's worth. But, that would be plenty for what she needed. From the way the room was laid out the hilt of her sword from where she was sitting would be perfectly aligned to be able to see the table behind her.

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