Chapter 19

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Magatsuhi knew that something was desperately wrong the moment he felt his jewel soul partner's energy flare dangerously high. He let out a swear as he took off looking for Midoriko. After ten minutes of not finding a single hint of the still insane Miko, he turned his attention to the outside of the jewel. He tapped into his sword to see if he could see what was going on. Thankfully he saw Kagome lying peacefully on her bed, there didn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with her. He didn't see nor sense Midoriko in the home either. So, where in the hell was Midoriko?

He decided to manifest himself and he walked over to the sleeping kid. Yeah, he had been a bit of a jerk the past week, but he was tired of the kid underestimating herself. The initial damage that damned Inuyasha did to her self esteem was really freaking hard to get her past. While the half-breed may have stopped shitting on her after about a year and a half the damage seemed to be already deeply buried. He had been hoping to be a bit of a wake-up force in the matter. It hadn't seemed to help and only strained their relationship. He had to remember that the kid wasn't a demon, her brain didn't work the same way demons did. Tough love wasn't the way to go with this kid.

He reached out shook her shoulder to try and wake her up. A frown pulled at his lips as she didn't even twitch. He shook her harder, again nothing. Worry started building within him as he remembered Midoriko's power flare. He flared his own Yokai in an attempt to shock her awake. To his horror, he had to jump back as a barrier of Midoriko's Ki bloomed up around the kid. What did Midoriko do to his kid?

He immediately knew that he needed help. As long as that barrier was hidden around the kid he couldn't do anything. He tried his best to avoid interacting with other humans in this world, but now he would have no choice. Not if he wanted to try and interrupt whatever Midoriko's plan was. He had only met the kid's new brother once and a half. The first time he had manifested he knew that the brother was closeby but he hadn't interacted with him then, and he had manifested during one training session to see how well he could handle the environment in this world. Looks like he would have to talk to him once again.

He walked out of the kid's room and headed towards the older human's room. Thankfully the red-headed female was out in a mission so he wouldn't have to deal with her. He honestly, didn't like her. Kurama he liked, his prison warden he did not. He already naturally didn't like humans, to begin with, Kagome was the cute little exception. The way these humans disrespected and practically tortured the demons in their world truly pissed him off.

He sensed something was off the moment he opened the door. Kagome's own Ki was practically wrapped around the man. Had she sensed something was wrong at the last minute and called out with her Ki? If that had happened and with Minato being the closest person her Ki would have simply latched onto him. Well, now what the hell was he supposed to do? Would he even have enough energy to be able to leave the compound and find other help? The closest ally that actually knew shit would be the spiky-haired smartass. Would he be able to get further than the compound gates without Kagome grounding him? He wasn't even sure if he was supposed to be able to be out now with her technically unconscious. He should be able to manifest no problem while she is asleep, but unconsciousness was different than simply being asleep. He wasn't going to think too hard about it, however. Don't question the things that are going for you was the general rule he worked with.

To better ground himself, he ducked back into Kagome's room and grabbed his sword. The weapon would hopefully give him enough time to get the ally and make him understand that something was very wrong. He had never met any of her other allies other than her teacher, so best case scenario he would actually listen to a complete stranger.

He took off at a sprint towards the Nara district. He could feel himself being drawn back towards the jewel by the time he got halfway to his goal. By the time he got to the door of the guy he needed it was actually painful to keep himself manifested. He was already flickering in and out visibility. He did NOT have long. He didn't even bother with knocking, he just blasted the door down. The human could replace it later.

Don't Mess With a Namikazeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें