Chapter 23: Training the Emperor

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(Before this chapter starts, I just want to let you all know that I'm debating on making some smaller chapters that follow the Arcana ranks. That way I can make "you" interact and build relationships with the other characters instead of them just being there. As you know, Igor and Morgana increases with the story. But I'll need help putting the other characters with their Arcana's.

As of now, I have:

Igor - Fool

SMG4 - Chariot

Morgana - Magician

Meggy - Lovers

Akechi - Justice (of course)

Axol - Emperor

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you and enjoy.)


As Axol finally came to, he noticed that he wasn't in his bed, but on a couch. He stood up and walked towards the kitchen, smelling the familiar scent of coffee, something he was very accustomed to as he would pull multiple all-nighters while working on his next project.

Y/n: I see that you're finally awake.

Axol turned to see you standibg in the doorway.

Y/n: Coffee?

Axol: Please... if you don't mind.

You motion for him to sit down as you go to pour to cups of the hot beverage. Sitting across from him, you slide his cup over to him. He takes a sip and gives an approving nod.

Axol: It's delicious. Thank you.

Y/n: You're welcome. Now, I'm sure that you have a lot of questions, and I'll answer them the best I can.

For the next hour, you answered his questions as you promised. He then got down to the last question.

Axol: Who are you? You're group I mean.

Y/n: Did you hear about Kamoshida a while back?

Axol: Hes, I heard about him online. A man who turned himself into the police for sexual harassment. They said he had a-

Y/n: A change of heart after receiving a calling card from a group known as The Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Hopefully you can put two and two together.

Axol: You're a part of said group?

Y/n: Not just a part, but the leader. Axol, I know how much Madarame means to you. He took you in when you were abandoned, but his crimes cannot be ignored. If they are-

Axol: Then the lives of more people will be ruined. I understand, but is there anything you want me to do?

Y/n: Getting straight to the point. Do you remember anything before you passed out?

Axol: All I remember is a voice in my head. After that I can't recall.

Y/n: Well, that voice in your head was essentially the "other you" that wanted to be set free. Your Persona. It allows you to fight in that other world you were in.

Axol: You called it the Metaverse, correct?

Y/n: Glad to see you're quick to catch on. Yes, that world is called the Metaverse. Or as we've come to call it, a Palace. The center of Madarame's distorted desires. Anyway, back to your original question, what i want you to do is consider this offer; you're powers are amazing, Axol. I am offering you a spot with us for the time being.

Axol: You want me to join you?!

Y/n: Only if you want to. I'm not forcing this on you. Although if you refuse, I only ask that you keep this our secret.

Axol: If I do join, then what would I be going up against?

You take the last sip of your drink and stand up, going over to the window and opening the blinds.

Y/n: The world, Axol. Everyone has desires, and while some can control them, others are consumed, corrupted by them. That leads them to doing terrible things.

Axol: I see. And will our fights usually be like the ones when I first awakened to my... Persona?

Y/n: Yes. Every fight that you will get into will be a fight to the death. If you wish to train, and I can prove to you that you can trust me, I know a place we can go.

You pull out your phone and look over to Axol, who hesitantly nods. You enter the into the location the word 'Mementos' and both you and Axol are transported to the Metaverse.


Axol: Oh... I feel lightheaded...

Joker: That'll happen. You'll get used to it though.

He looked over to you and his eyes widened.

Axol: Your clothes changed!

Joker: Well quit eye-balling me and check yourself out. Your clothes changed as well.

He looks down and looks all over himself.

Axol: So this is what happens when we enter this place. But why?

Joker: It's how your heart sees as a rebel. It's what happens when you enter a Palace and it's ruler sees you as a threat.

Axol: Who rules this place?

Joker: Society. In general, Mementos is everyone's Palace.

Axol: And since rebel's are naturally seen as trouble makers, we are already considered a threat to society.

Joker: Exactly. Glad to see that you're catching on quickly. Now, let's go and fight a few Shadows.

You lead him down to the first floor of Mementos. The enemies here aren't too powerful, but are enough to give Axol a challenge.

Joker: One last push! Come, Arsène!

Axol: Goemon!

As the winged Persona closed his hand, engulfing the Shadows in his dark grasp while shards of ice impaled the others. Kne Shadow remained, an armored angel with red wings kneeled before the two.

Shadow: What is it that you want, human?

Joker: Lend me your power.

Shadow: Ha! And why should I do that?

Joker: I hear not dying sounds like a pretty cool thing. But if you insist...

You aim your gun at him.

Shadow: Alright, fine! My name is Archangel. From now on, my power is yours.

Axol: What was that?

Joker: My unique ability. I'm able to wield more than one Persona, although Arsène is my main Persona.

After collecting your rewards, you bring Axol back to the real world.

'You have returned to the real world. Thank you for your hard work, Trickster.'

Y/n: So, Axol, have you made a decision?

Axol: I have. I believe that if you are going to change Madarame's heart, then I should help. For here om out I, Axol, will help the Phantom Thieves!

Y/n: ... Good to hear. Now a codename.

You begin to think on one, until his mask and the tail clipped to his belt came to mind.

Y/n: Welcome to the team, Fox.

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