Chapter 33: Bank of Greed

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(Alright, this is the only Palace that I'm going to do that I'm going to really skip parts with. Mainly because nothing really happens in Kaneshiro's Palace. However, to make up for these skips, at the end of the chapter there will be the first glimpse of one of the main antagonists of the series.)


Once you made it to the to of the ramp, the first thing you saw was that the main doors were fixed and boarded up for when Tari busted through the doors with Johanna.

Queen: There goes our way in. Sorry...

Skull: Ah, don't sweat it Queen. This is where the fun starts, so we thieves wouldn't be using the main entrance anyway.

Joker: He's right. Spread out and look for anything that can be our ticket in.

Everyone does as you say and try to look for anything that seems suspicious. A few minutes pass, and yet nothing was found.

'Having trouble?'

Joker: (Arsène? Yeah, you could say that.)

'Hm, that is simply because you are too trusting of your own perception. Instead, use mine. Close your eyes and call upon my power.'

You do as instructed.

Joker: Arsène.

The world around you begins to light up. Now, even woth your eyes closed, you can clearly see the ground, stairs, building and your comrades. But far off, you see a pig statue. Below it, the plauqe was giving off a golden glow.

You walk over and inspect the plauqe and as you place your hand on it, it gets pushed in and the statue moves back, revealing a set of stairs.

Joker: And as always, I manage to provide.

Oracle: How did-

Before she could finish her question, Panther came up beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Panther: It's... better if you don't question it.

Skull: She's right. Joker has a way of finding things out of nowhere.

Mona: Enough chit chat, we need to get going!

Superstar: The cat's right. Lead on, leader.

As everyone descends the stairs, Mona mumbled to himself before following.

Mona: I'm not a cat...

He quickly caught up to you as you reached the last step. As you looked around, there seemed to be nothing of particular interest in the basement, and no Shadows where around either.

Joker: Alright. I say we head back to the room with the pile of money, and we'll work from there.

Fox: I second that. Retrace our steps and move forward. With a plan in mind, the group runs to the end of the room and goes up another flight of stairs, not without you taking a few treasures along the way.

Once making it up the steps, everyone finds themselves in a familiar hallway. As they look around, they see the entrance to the building as well as several guards.

Superstar: Looks like they really amped up their security.

Queen: Good thing Joker found our secret way in.

Turning away from the entrance, they follow the same path from yesterday and came across the same door that held the large stack of money. Skull looked inside and to his disappointment, all of it was gone.

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