Chapter 14: Secrets Revealed

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Your eyes open as the cold and damp air hit you. Once again, you stand to see that you are back in that prison cell.

Igor: Allow me to start off by congratulating you. On both your success at clearing your first Palace, and beginning to understand your powers.

Justine: To think you would get such praise from our master.

Caroline: You better treasure this moment, Inmate!

Y/n: I'm sorry, but what are you talking about with, "understanding my powers"?

Igor: What I mean is; you are a Trickster. If you were put in a room and placed in a line as if you were numbered from the Arcana numbers, you would be the number 0. The Fool Arcana.

Caroline: Almost fitting for you!

Igor: Caroline.

She stopped and mumbled an apology. Igor then turns back to you.

Igor: Please, do not take it as an insult. As the Fool, you are the beginning, and the end. A journey of unlimited possibilities. And as the Fool, you are able to wield the power of more than one Persona.

He then motions for Justine, who opens her book and two more masks fly out, then enter your body. Igor explains that he granted you two more Personas to test with. His test, was the Fusion technique.

As you began to work with this Fusion, he continued to speak.

Igor: On to the second reason you are here. As I said, I wanted to congratulate you on your first successful Palace. You have encountered allies who share your ideals, and have found your place in reality.

Y/n: Yeah, I finally found a place I feel like I belong.

Igor: Indeed. Now, the time has come, I shall explain to you of your rehabilitation. To stand against the coming ruin. That is the rehabilitation placed upon you.

Caroline: This is all possible because of our master's guidance!

Justine: Use his guidance well.

You finally finish the Fusion, and from the two low tier Personas, you created Berith. A Lance wielding knight riding a horse.

Igor: Impressive.

Just like last time, a bell sounded.

Igor: Our time has come to an end. I look forward to our next meeting.


Opening your eyes again, this time in a room, you notice one very big detail, you're not in your room.

As you begin to question what was happening, you remember what happened yesterday and where you were. Looking over, you see the sleeping form of Meggy, softly snoring, with her arm still over you from last night.

Y/n: Meggy?

She moves a bit, but doesn't wake up.

Y/n: C'mon Meggy, it's time to wake up.

Her eyes slowly open, and as her pink eyes look into yours, her face slowly goes red.

Meggy: Um... morning, Y/n...

She asks how the two of you got into this position. You tell her what happened, and when you told her what happened when you both went to bed, her whole face went red.

Meggy: I'm sorry, I hope I didn't make anything awkward.

She gets up and with her back turned, she smiled. After the both of you got breakfast, you headed back to the castle to meet with everyone.

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