Chapter 40: The Leader's Palace Pt. 2

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It didn't take long for everyone to regain their bearings. And even though they were ready for a fight, it seemed as though they weren't even needed. With a wave of her hand, Meggy commanded her Persona to attack the Shadows. Multiple swords materialized in the air and shot through the air, piercing the Shadows that surrounded them.

Most of the weaker ones were killed immediately, while the stronger ones took serious damage.

Meggy: Hamaon!

A bright light surrounded the remaining enemies and in a flash, they were gone. Meggy's attention then returned to the Shadow versions of Y/n's parents, who were shaking in fear under her gaze.

Shadow M/n: Th-this was only the beginning! If you value your life you will leave immediately!

Knowing full well that the threat didn't work, the two retreated in a dark mist. Once the threat was gone, Cendrillon disappeared and returned on Meggy's face as her mask.

Skull: Damn Meggy, that was awesome!

Meggy: Thanks. But there's no time to stand around. What is it we need to do?

Mona: Well, we need to find Joker's Treasure, once we do that we need to send a Calling Card to get it to manifest. And you need a Codename.

Meggy: Then why not... Violet.

Panther: Wait, why Violet?

Violet: One if my favorite colors. And it's easier and quicker to say then orange. Plus it sounds cooler.

Fox: Very well Violet. But are you feeling alright? We should head back and let you rest.

Crow: Fox is right, awakening to your Persona for the first time is very draining on your psyche.

Blossom: Uggh... don't remind me. I just got rid of the headache that brought along.

Violet thought about it for a while. She did feel tired after her awakening, plus she did use some pretty powerful skills. However, the desire to find Y/n's Treasure as soon as possible gave her more than enough energy.

Violet: I feel fine for now. I'll go as far as I can until I feel tired.

Mona: If you're sure. But luckily, this Palace doesn't seem very big, as it was just formed. I can sense the Treasure is just a few rooms down.

Oracle was scanning the area through her half of AlienWare.

Oracle: And there doesn't seem to be very many Shadows. Just a bunch of small fry that won't be much of a challenge.

Superstar: Then let's make this a quick cash grab, and get our leader back!

With a collective cheer, everyone rushed towards the door that led to the next room. Within this room, was a set of three doors. Each door was marked either 1, 2 or 3.

Crimson: Great, now we have to guess which door to go through.

Skull: What? We don't have time for that. I'm just going through the first one.

Skull goes and opens the first door and heads inside. Once he does, the doors slams shut behind him.

Skull: What the hell?

Everyone turned to see Skull standing at the door they all just entered.

Crimson: Told you. This Palace is one built on deception. Let's just be glad that we didn't let this place develop anymore, or these doors would be the least of our troubles.

Queen: And that also rules out the first door. Panther, would you mind going through the third while I go through number two?

With a nod, Panther goes up to the marked door and opens it. Queen moves to the second door and together, they open their respective doors, and enter. Once both doors close, everyone else looks back to see Queen, but not Panther.

Queen: Door number three it is.

Everyone goes through the path forward and are met this time, with six doors. Crow immediately goes up to the sixth door.

Skull: Already man?

Crow: There might be some kind of pattern with these doors. I'm going to quickly see if they go up in intervals of three.

He opens the door, only for a Shadow to swipe at him. Crow's reflexes take over and he jumps back, pulling out his blaster and putting a well placed shot between the eyes.

Crow: Well... that makes things rather difficult.

Blossom: So that's why Oracle couldn't see them. They're all hidden.

Mona: Everyone make sure to keep your guard up, there's no telling which door holds what.

And so for what felt like forever, the Thieves went through room after room. Some rooms doubling or even tripling the amount of doors of the previous room. Thankfully, the hidden Shadows they had encountered weren't too troublesome, but they were a nuisance nonetheless.

But they finally managed to make it out of the last door. However, what laid before them made them wish they were back in those rooms.

A Hall of Mirrors, but they weren't reflecting them off the seemingly endless corridor, but reflections of Y/n's memories. All of them tainted with events that happened after the incident.

The abuse from other students at school to try and get a rise from him. The neglect from his family and friends. Those lonely nights spent crying himself to sleep. Some of those nights, being recently.

One mirror in particular caught Crow's attention though. A reflection of the night this whole thing started. He saw the whole thing, and he saw the man responsible. And his eyes narrowed in pure hatred.

Skull: Crow, c'mon!

Crow looked over at the others, who noticed he wasn't following. Just by looking at their faces, he saw they wanted out of here as soon as possible and he couldn't agree more.

The group continue down the winding halls, until Violet sees a figure in the distance. Once it turns around, she sees that it's Y/n's Shadow.

Violet: Y/n!

She runs forward, hoping to catch up with him.

Skull: Wait, don't go running off on your own!

She either didn't hear Skull, or simply didn't listen. She continued to follow the Shadow through the twists and turns until she saw him go through another door.

She quickly busts through the door to see Shadow Y/n standing in the middle of the dark room.

Shadow Y/n: Why are you still here? Why have you come all this way?

Violet: What kind of question is that? We're here to get you back! You are our friend. And I love you! Please, let us help.

Shadow Y/n: ...No. The lies must stop.

Tears welled in Violet's eyes.

Violet: What...?

Shadow Y/n: The Y/n they all made friends with... the Y/n you fell in love with, that isn't me.

He reaches up and grabs the mask, pulling it away, revealing the true face of Y/n. A face full of fear, doubt and sadness. A never ending stream of tears falling from his yellow eyes.

Shadow Y/n: Just leave Meggy.

Violet: Fine... if you won't come back of your own accord, then we will! We will find your Treasure and take it! We will prove to you that you are our friend!

Shadow Y/n: Then I shall be waiting.

In a veil of smoke and shadow, he disappeared and in his place, was the misty projection of the Treasure. Just then, the rest of the team showed up.

Panther: Thank goodness you're okay. But what were you thinking?!

Violet walks over to the group, a determined glint in her eyes.

Violet: I'm thinking that it's time we get Y/n back. Now what? We just need to send the Calling Card?

Mona: That is correct. C'mon the sooner we gets this, the better.

The group all make their way back to the entrance to begin for their toughest fight yet.

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