Chapter 41: Fall of Deception

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It had been yet another long sleepless night. Not just for Meggy, but for everyone. As SMG4 and Axol did their best to create a Calling Card that would ensure the appearance of Y/n's Treasure, but to also show that they care.

Thanks to Sojiro trusting the group, they were sitting around the Cafe. However, they were ready for what they were about to do. But at the same time, they were nervous about the whole thing. From what Meggy told them, Y/n's Shadow is dead set on remaining alone, so a fight, whether by his own free will or not, will break out.

SMG4: Alright guys, we finished the card. Now all we gotta do is find a way for Y/n to get it.

Axol: Well there is only one way. We need to get one of the others to read it to him.

The group agrees, the only thing now was who was going to read it to him. Mario was out of the picture on the spot, as he would probably do what Mario does best and mess it up. Boopkins wouldn't be able to get through it all without breaking down, and while Luigi has grown just as much as the rest of them, his heart wouldn't be in it. So that left only one person.


Akechi: I should be able to persuade her, but should we have a back up plan?

Meggy: We shouldn't need one. I have a good feeling that Desti will agree to it.

Nodding, Akechi takes the Calling Card and makes his way to the hotel. As he walks, his mind wanders back to the Hall of Mirrors.

Akechi: Is this some sick twist of fate? And what were the odds of us meeting? Perhaps I'll never know for sure. But there is one thing I do know, we need Y/n back I'm going to have a chance at getting revenge.

He clenched his hands, remembering the first time he fought alongside Y/n.

Akechi: As much as I hate to admit it, his power is amazing.

As he neared the hotel, he hoped Meggy was right about Desti agreeing to doing this.


Akechi walks through the main doors and sees the four members of the group. He goes up to Desti and asks to speak to her. Pulling her aside so no one else will be able to hear them, Akechi explains the situation and hands her the envelope.

Just as he anticipated, she had her doubts and hesitated.

Desti: Are you sure this will work? I mean, how will reading this help him?

Akechi: I know it sounds strange, but please, trust me. Have I ever been wrong before?

She shoots him a stare before shaking her head and taking the envelope.

Akechi: Alright, read the letter out then slide both it and the card into the room.

Desti: I sure hope you're right about this Goro. And you guys still owe us an explanation.

Akechi: Don't worry, this will explain everything.

He points at the envelope. Quickly hugging each other, Akechi makes his way back to the Cafe to get ready for the oncoming fight. Desti then made her way to Y/n's room, followed by the others.

Now, standing at his door, she opens the envelope

Desti: I hope this works.

Taking the letter and card out, her eyes widen to see the trademark logo of the Phantom Thieves.

Shaking her head, she begins to read the letter.

'To Y/n L/n, the lonely Jester of Deception, we have seen the depths of your heart and the manipulation you've been forced to endure. But we will do what we must to prove to you that you are not alone. Even if we must fight. We will take your distorted heart without fail.

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