Chapter 9: Route Secured!

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As You look around the corner, an entire room is filled with Shadows.

Joker: There's no way we'll be able to fight through all of those guys.

Mona: He's right. Hmm...

Skull: How about those chandeliers?

Mona: Well well, it seems Skull is starting to think like a thief.

Joker: Sounds good, c'mon.

You help each other up the pillars surrounding the room. Readying yourselves, you begin to jump across the chandeliers, almost falling halfway through.

Panther: Man, that actually makes me feel like a real thief!

Mona: That's because you are now.

Taking the high route leads you to the outside of the castle.

Skull: Woah. Take a look at that!

You look out and see that outside a mile radius is shrouded in a red and black mist.

Mona: Well, all of Kamoshida's influence only affects the castle. Everywhere else is irrelevant. Speaking of, let's focus on the mission.

Joker: I agree, we need to stay on our toes. Shadows could be anywhere.

All in agreement, you scale the walls up to a small garden with a tower overlooking it.

Mona: I can feel the Treasure nearby. We need to find a way up to that tower.

You look around and see a rope and a hook. But you also see a few Shadows that had a red aura surrounding them.

Joker: Those Shadows look powerful. Mona, if I get caught, you think you can hold them off?

Mona: For a short while. What are you thinking?

Joker: You'll see.

You hide behind one of the boxes and wait as the Shadow walks by. Once he did, you jumped over to a small bush and sneak behind the second Shadow and grab the hook.

Afterwards, you run along the wall and grab the rope hanging down. You move over to the others and smile.

Panthet: That was impressive.

Skull: It really was.

You begin to tie the rope around the hook.

Joker: Thanks. I didn't even think I was able to do all that.

Mona: So you just winged it?

Joker: Would it be wrong if I said yes?

Mona: I'd be a little worried, yes.

Joker: In that case, no. I knew what I was doing.

Mona: Mmm...

He had a look of distrust on his face.

Joker: Anyway, let's get going.

With your makeshift grappling hook done, you spin it around and throw it up to the window. Hooking it to the window sill, you climb up to the window and enter the tower and quickly getting to the bottom floor, unlocking the door. The others ran in and swiflty closed the door.

Skull: Good thinking!

Joker: Thanks.

You continue up the tower and eventually make it to a room that shifts and changes.

Panther: Why is the room doing this?

Mona: Because we're getting really close to the source if distortion. Once we get through these next few rooms, I'm sure we'll find the Treasure!

Skull: Then what are we waiting for! Let's stop talking and steal the damn thing!

You run forward and using the shifting of the room to avoid any Shadows. Once you made it to the top, you tried going through the hallway, only to trip the trap and cause guillotines to drop down.

Mona: I don't think we'll be able to get through this in one piece.

You look over to the statue of Kamoshida and see two holes in its eyes.

Joker: Look at the holes in this statues eyes.

Mona: I think he's onto something. There must be two keys. Let's keep a look out for any strong looking Shadows.

You head back down and see two Shadows that look different than the others.

Joker: (I might be able to defeat one by sneaking up on it, then we can defeat the other one by ganging up on it.)

You look over to the others.

Joker: Here's the plan: I'll sneak up on one Shadow and defeat it that way, then we'll converge on the other one.

Mona: Sounds like a plan.

With everyone in position, you sneak behind one of the Shadows and draw your knife. You jump on its shoulders and plunge you knife into its head, killing it.

Joker: Now!

Everyone comes out of hiding and pulls out their guns, unloading into the second Shadow, killing it as well.

Joker: Good job everyone.

You see the two crystal eyes they dropped and pick them up. You and the others run back up to the trap and insert the two eyes and pulled the jaw down, disabling the trap. With the trap out of the way, you make your way through to the Throne Room with no problems.

Mona: Just through those doors!

Running to the back of the room, Mona throws open the doors to see a treasure room with a a mist floating in the middle of the room.

Mona: There it is! The Treasure!

Skull: Uh... where? All I see is that mist. And we can't exactly grab mist now can we?

Mona: That's where the next step comes in. Let's go back to the real world.

With a nod, you and the others make a route directly to the Throne Room.


It was night time as you open the doors to the castle. Everyone was already in bed.

Morgana: Alright, here's what we need to do...

He explains that a Calling Card needed to be made, and to make sure that Kamoshida reads it himself. You and SMG4 volunteer to make it as there was still energy left in you. Saiko on the other hand was drained so she went to bed. When you and SMG4 went over to sit on the couch, you stopped when you saw that Meggy was sleeping there.

SMG4: What is she still doing here?

Y/n: She must have waited for us. Does she have a room here?

SMG4: No, she usually goes back to her house in Inkopolis.

Y/n: I see. Well, I won't really be using it tonight, so...

You pick up the sleeping Inkling and carry her to your room. Setting her on the bed, you pull the covers over her and after a quiet 'goodnight' you head back down to help SMG4 with the calling card.

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