Chapter 21: Infiltrating the Museum

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The next day, you went back into the Palace to investigate even further in. What we found shocked you to you cores.

Panther: These are all... paintings of his students...

Skull: He truly sees the people as objects more than actual people.

Joker: Here's one of Nakanohara... c'mon guys. We can't just sit here and look at all of these paintings and feel bad for them. We need to keep going so we can bring justice to them.

Mona: Joker's right, we need to keep pushing forward. Also, it isn't safe to remain in one spot for so long as Shadows could show up at any given moment.

Skull: The cat's right, we need to get going.

Mona: I'm not a cat!

You shake your head and lead everyone through the hallways of the museum, avoiding any unnecessary fights. As you turn the corner, one more painting stood out among the rest.

It was bigger, brighter, and more detailed than the rest.

Joker: Axol...

Skull: I was really hoping that he was a completely different story. But this just solidifies our point.

Panther: And it's so much bigger and more detailed than the others.

Joker: Because he's been molded and shaped into Madarame's "masterpiece". Ever since he was a child.

Skull: We need to tell him about this!

Mona: No! If we try to tell him the same thing again, he'll only get angrier than last time!

Joker: So we don't tell him, but Madarame does. Here's where we need to make a choice. We've seen how he thinks of his students. And we know that he uses people to silence others.

Skull: Although we don't know if that means he just abuses people to stay silent, or if he actually kills them.

Panther: What we do know is that this cannot go on any longer.

Mona: Well, if we're on a unanimous decision, our next target is the ruler of the Museum of Vanity, Ichiryusai Madarame!

Joker: Then let's make a route to his treasure and steal it.

You look back at the painting.

Joker: We'll save you, Axol. I promise.

Turning away from the painting, you run down the next few hallways seeing more and more paintings of past pupils. Suddenly, Mona stops and was staring at a golden vase.

Mona: I sense something from that vase. Let's check it out!

You walked up and placed a finger on the vase and jumped back when it morphed into a red gem.

Joker: What the!?

Mona: I knew it! Quick, catch it and defeat it!

Getting over your shock, you quickly pounced on the large gem and a ghost came out of it.

Mona: Hm... a Regent? Good thing I have one of these on me at all times!

He throws a small vial and once it broke, a small blue explosion knocked it down.

Mona: Finish it!

Mona lead the All-Out Attack and the Shadow was no more. But in it's place was...

Skull: Look at all this freakin' cash!

Panther: What kind of Shadow did we just defeat?

Mona: A Treasure Demon. I saw them roaming around Mementos a few times, but since I had no way to actually use the money, I had no need for them.

Joker: Well thank you Mona. From now on, let's keep an eye out for more of these Treasure Demons.

With that settled and a pocket full of cash, you continued to make your way through the hallways and eventually outside.

Mona: Now I can sense the treasure in there!

He points towards the building off in the distance. As you walk towards the building, pylons rise from the ground.

Panther: Look out!

Everyone jumps back before the pylons could activate.

Mona: Damn, I knew this would happen sooner or later...

Skull: What do ya mean?

Mona: It appears that Madarame has his cognition set so that nobody can enter this far back.

Joker: And since this is based off his home, there has to be a room he has locked away.

Mona: Exactly. Let's return to the real world and think of a plan.


Saiko: Alright, I just got done talking with Axol and he said that I can come over tomorrow.

SMG4: Alright, now we just have to wait for Meggy to get here.

Speak of the devil, Meggy opens the door and waves to everyone.

Meggy: Hey guys!

She then walks over and sits next to you, kissing your cheek in the process.

Meggy: Hey handsome~

You smile at her but quickly become serious again.

Meggy: So what's up?

Y/n: Meggy, I have something very important to ask you, and you have every right to say no, or even yell at me but... I wanted to ask you if you could help us with our infiltration.

Meggy: Wait... you want me to help with your mission?

Y/n: It's all up to you. You don't have to, but-

Meggy: What am I doing?

Y/n: Oh... um, you're going to go with Saiko to Madarame's house. Morgana will explain on the way, if that is fine with you of course.

Meggy: Of course it's fine with me. I'm more than happy to help you guys. After all, I don't have a Persona, or even that Metaverse app.

She begins to look down. You take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. She looks up at you.

Y/n: That doesn't matter, at least now we know that if we need anything done in the real world, we have someone here.

She smiles and returns the gesture with a squeeze of her own.

Meggy: You can count on me!

Y/n: Great, tomorrow you and Saiko will go to Madarame's house. Morgana will explain everything on the way. Meanwhile, SMG4 and I will be waiting in the Metaverse. Are we in agreement?

SMG4: You know it, Leader!

Saiko: Great, now let's find a way to spend all this money we got!

SMG4: The RoyalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя