Chapter 20: Palace of Vanity

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SMG4: So this is the place, huh?

Saiko: For a 'famous artist' he doesn't really have a luxurious place.

You stood in front of a house that looked more like a makeshift shack. The whole place looked ready to fall apart at the sudden gust of wind.

Y/n: You have to remember, this is all an act. He wants to be seen as all kind and humble so no one sees him for what he really is.

SMG4: And we need to warn Axol about it. But we can't just out and say that Madarame's killing people.

Saiko: I saw a post about someone who claimed to be one of his pupils from years ago.

Y/n: Then let's get to it. Oh, and Morgana, try to find anything that might help us.

Morgana: Got it.

With that said, Saiko knocks on the door to the house and Axol opens up.

Axol: Saiko! Oh... you two are here as well?

SMG4: Hey.

Y/n: Sorry Axol, but we're not here to talk about the modeling. We're here to ask you something.

SMG4: Is it true that Madarame is plagiarizing stuff? And that he's also abusing people as well?

Axol: ...Are you serious?

Saiko: We read about it online.

Axol said nothing for a moment, then he burst out in a laughing fit. After calming himself down, he stared at each of you.

Axol: Preposterous! Not only is the plagiarism impossible, but abuse? If he hated children so much to harm them, why would he let pupils into his home?

Saiko: Well... I...

Axol: And I'm the one residing here and studying under him, I'm saying it's not true! So it's beyond doubt!

SMG4: You might be lying about it.

A look of worry and doubt flashed across his face this time as he looks away.

Axol: That... that's utter rubbish.

He quickly replaced his worried look with one of annoyance.

Axol: I had no family when Sensei took me in and raised me into what you see now! If you continue to ridicule the man I owe my life to, you will rue this day!

Y/n: So you really think that?

Suddenly, Madarame appears behind Axol.

Madarame: Axol? What's the matter? I heard yelling.

Axol: These people are slandering you with baseless rumors!

Madarame: Forgive them Axol. They must have heard some bad rumors and came to worry for their friends safety.

Axol: ...Understood, Sensei.

Madarame: Well even I think that not everyone will like a cranky old man like me.

Saiko: That's... not what we meant.

Madarame: I'm sorry to have butt in on your conversation. But I have neighbors around, so please keep it down.

Madarame then retreated back into the house. Axol sighs and bows slightly.

Axol: That was discourteous of me... I'm sorry. I know! I think you'll be able to believe in Sensei after you see the painting! It's his maiden work as well as his most representative piece. It's titled "Sayuri."

He goes into the house and comes out a moment later with the painting.

Y/n: Sayuri?

Axol: Thia was the painting that inspired me to become an artist.

Saiko: It's so beautiful.

SMG4: I don't know about all this fine-art stuff, but even I can tell that's impressive.

He then turns to Saiko.

Axol: When I first saw you, I felt the same powerful emotion as when I saw this painting.

Saiko: Me?

Axol: I wished to pursue beauty like this. And I believe drawing you will be part of that pursuit. I implore you seriously consider my offer. I'm sorry that you took the time to come all this way, but I must assist Sensei today. I hope we can discuss this further another time. If you'll excuse me.

Axol enters the house and closes the door. The three of you walking back to the other side of the street. Morgana popping his head out of your bag.

SMG4: Those two... seem like nice guys, don't they?

Saiko: Maybe the Madarame that Nakanohara told us about is a different person?

SMG4: Man, right when we thought we found a new target too...

Morgana: How's the Metanav?

Y/n: Oh, right. Forgot we call it that now. But we haven't tested that out.

Saiko: Oh yeah, let's put his name in.

Y/n: Alright then. Ichiryusai Madarame.


'Candidate found'

SMG4: So it IS him!

Saiko: Alright, now we know for sure that this is the Madarame we are looking for.

Y/n: Never judge a book by its cover.

SMG4: Uggh... you had to go and say that? Meggy is still saying I told you so.

Y/n: So she's actually going through with that? That's awesome.

SMG4: Wait, you knew?!

Saiko: Guys, you need to focus!

Morgana: Lady Saiko's right! C'mon put in the distortion.

Y/n: Okay, okay. Let's see, 'Madarame', 'Plagiarism', and 'Shack'. Now we need to find out what he sees the shack *as*.

Saiko: Like how Kamoshida believed the castle was his, so it changed to match is view on it?

Morgana: Exactly. Let's say random things, narrow it down.

Saiko: Alright, how about castle again?

'No candidate found.'

SMG4: Then how about... prison?

No result.

SMG4: Jail?


SMG4: Warehouse?


SMG4: Guidance counseling office, or maybe even farm?!

...Fuck all...

SMG4: Dammit!

Y/n: SMG4, how 'bout you stop shouting nonsense like Mario, and start thinking rationally? He is an artist, where do art pieces usually go? An art museum.

'Target locked. Beginning navigation.'

SMG4: You're an effin' genius!

You smile as you hit the navigation button, causing the world around you to go through the familiar process of being distorted. Now, you stand in front of a large museum made of gold.

Skull: So this is his Palace?

Panther: Let's go check it out. Maybe make a infiltration point then head back and prepare.

Joker: Sounds good. Your thoughts guys?

Mona: Works for me.

Skull: Same here, I'm getting tired anyway, not in the mood to be fighting.

The three of you find a way to the top of the roof. Opening the windows on top, you find a rope and tie it around the handle, then let it drop.

With a infiltration point set up and ready to go, you head back to the real world to rest up for the next day.

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