21. Flim&Flam and The Need for Revenge

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Applejack: [Okay see ya darlin]

Y/n: See ya.

She hangs up.

Trixie Lulamoon: What was that about?

Y/n: Applejack wants me to sleep over and help with cider season.

Trixie Lulamoon: I hope you have fun.

Y/n: Thanks.

I kiss her and i leave.

I start walking to Sweet Apple Acres and then i see Apple Bloom running towards me.

Apple Bloom: Hello fellow Crusader.

Y/n: Hi Apple Bloom how've ya been?

Apple Bloom: I've been great, so where are you going?

Y/n: To Sweet Apple Acres.

Apple Bloom: Really? Why?

Y/n: I'm gonna help with cider season tomorrow.

Apple Bloom: That's great!

Y/n: So i'll be staying the night aswell.

Apple Bloom: Cool.

Y/n: I know right.

We walk to Sweet Apple Acres and when we get their we see Big Mac.

Y/n: Hey Big Mac, you doin good?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Y/n: Good.

Then Applejack and Granny Smith approached us.

Granny Smith: How goes my future grandson in law?


Y/n: Then that would make you my future Grandmother in law.


Y/n-Granny Smith: Hehheheheh.

Apple Bloom: Then what would i be?

Y/n: You'd be my sister in law and Big Mac would be my brother in law.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

I helped with the cider and now it was night time and we had just finished eating dinner.

Y/n: Ah now that was amazingly tasty, though i am not satisfied, i am never satisfied. Thanks for the food.

Granny Smith: Yer welcome.

Now it's time to go to bed and Applejack and i slept together.

We all woke up early but not too early and now it was time to start and Applejack grabbed her megaphone.

Applejack: Attention, everyone! Cider season is now officially open!

Everyone was excited to have a chance at having some cider.

Pinkie was first in line and she had a big bag of bits.

Y/n: Hi Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Hi Y/n.

She gives us the bits and leaves it was a very long and fun day but it was now over.

Applejack: Heh. Sorry, everyone! That's it for today!

People: Awww.

Rainbow Dash: Surprise, surprise. You ran out again!

Caramel: Yeah, you always run out!

Fluttershy: For the record, I don't mind-

Rainbow Dash: Why can't you make enough cider for all of us? Or at least for me!

Mlp: One with TimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя