xii - show me around

Start from the beginning

When Alex returned he had a very drunk Warren hanging onto his shoulder. I walked over asking if he needed any help , to which he declined . I mean, he is a massive sized man and all those muscles are good for something, right?

Once Warren is placed on the couch , I try to do my part and grab some water to place in front of him. His head is in his hands and he's barely looking up . His dinner with  Penelope must've been really bad .

"Bro, is everything okay?" Alex finally asks , making Warren take in his surroundings.

In his drunken state he was able to find my eyes . As soon as they connected I felt his pain and his anguish . But I also felt this intensity penetrating down to my soul.

"Did I interrupt something?" He slurs.

"Obviously,  seeing as my girlfriend and I were just finishing dinner-" before he can continue I jab him in the side .

"Ah" he yelps and then leans over to me , "what was that for?"

Clearing my throat , "he clearly is having a difficult night . Let's not rub salt into his wound."

Warren sits up straighter and almost looks a lot more sober than just a few minutes ago. He gives the two of us a curious look , "did I come at an inopportune time?"

Before Alex can say anything else , "No. We were just talking before you came . Are you okay? I can leave so you can talk to Alex."

He then says , "No. I'm glad you're here. Our mini reunion a few days ago wasn't enough time to catch up with you . Come , sit down."

I look to Alex and then at the space Warren pat down next to him and proceeded to sit down . It was at that moment , that tiny tiny moment that things were about to make things even more complicated. Warren wasn't as drunk as he seemed, he was tipsy but not drunk . The closeness of his body to mine , even though we were still a good many inches apart, didn't stop the electric currents I was experiencing . Unlike the smoldering heat I had felt with Alex just moments ago, this was instant . This was a spark so intense that I didn't realize I was holding my breath.

What was it about Warren that he could make me feel all of this? And as if he could read my mind, he gave me the most intoxicating smile . But that was shortlived and his next words were going to change the course of our plans , "Did my dear brother tell you how he slept with my ex girlfriend? And then the two of them planned on running away after? She left first and then shortly he followed her around the globe. He wasn't doing the chivalrous things we all believed. Isn't that right?"

I slowly turned my attention to Alex. I didn't understand . Why would he omit this ?

"Alex, why did you lie?" It comes out strained.

"I didn't lie."

Warren laughs , "Sure . How long had you been in love with Penny?"

"War, it's not like that," Alex begins . I sit back and closer to Warren as a defense . Surprisingly Warren pitches forward as if he was protecting me.

"Then tell me, what did I do to you that you would stab me in the back like that?" I felt so bad for Warren but at the same time felt out of place in such a delicate situation between brothers.

"Nothing and you didn't love her War," he starts .

"I did love her," I don't know why that felt like a prick in my heart , "but you're right I wasn't in love with her."

"And she knew that you had someone else in your heart . How do you think she felt realizing that she spent a decade of her life being in love with someone who could never give that back to her?"

Alex didn't stop there , "you led her on all those years . Why not just end that misery and let her go?"

Warren has now completely sobered up , or attempted to be completely sober , "Screw you Alex . You had no idea what I was going through with her . You had no right . There were things that happened between us that got us to where we were . But I never expected my own brother to go betray me like that!" He roared back at him.

I felt myself sink further and further into the couch, hoping I can just disappear. I didn't expect that the night would end up like this . Hell, I didn't expect a lot except answers . And so now it seems I got them and a little bit more.

"You're playing with fire little brother . I don't know how you were able to track down Aria but I want you to make sure you don't break her heart," he says as he points his finger at me.

My eyes go wide not understanding the accusation Warren just threw out . I looked at Alex and he is fuming . I didn't want to be in the room anymore so I finally stand up , "I think I should leave."

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