Part 2, Chapter 34. Casting the Net.

Start from the beginning

Kyla boards her ship and retreats quickly to her cabin, not looking behind her. As Kyla opens her cabin door and shut it behind her, she does not hear it close. She spins around quickly to see Angela standing in the doorway.

"I see the Pokemon League has employeed more attractive trainers lately." Angela chuckles, stepping slowly into the cabin and shutting the door behind her.

Kyla puts her hands behind her back, turning the dial on her stun gloves. "I would have welcomed you in, had you asked."

Angela smiles, stopping a foot from the door. "And now you think me a threat?"

Kyla glares at her. "Look at it from my point of view."

Angela closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them again. "I guess I better explain before you shock the hell out of me. Hermit called me because your mysterious trainer teleported to this ship."

Kyla slowly shows her gloves and turns the dial back. "You spooked the hell out of my friend..."

"Lugia.. yes I know of him. Needless to say, I can see all your Pokemon, not just the Legendaries. The same is true for all the other trainers." Angela says, raising an open palm. "And the only reason I came here was to tell you, when your back is against the wall accept the blessing even." Angela turns to the cabin door.

Kyla sighs. "Riddles are so much fun." She says sarcastically.

Angela opens the cabin door, looking back at her. "Sometimes riddles are the only way to relay the future properly. Otherwise, we would all jump ahead of fate." With that, Angela walks out, closing the door behind her.

Angela strolls slowly around the ship, passing each cabin door with a steady stare. She walks all the way around the ship before giving out a heavy sigh.

"The trainer is in none of these cabins.. That must mean.. they purposely teleported here to throw me off their scent." Angela groans. "I hate smartasses."

The captain, of the ship, walks down a flight of stairs. He turns and walks straight towards Angela. "Captain Angela, I presume?"

Angela turns with a smile. "Yes, Captain?"

"I have been instructed to secure you accommodations aboard the ship." The captain motions to the stairs he came from. "Please, follow me."

Angela follows the captain up the stairs, as another trainer glances suspiciously at her before turning a corner.

Angela follows the captain up the stairs, as another trainer glances suspiciously at her before turning a corner

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He takes out his phone and sends a text that reads, "Update, boss?"

A text quickly returns with, "No change, continue as planned."

The man shrugs with a smile and puts away his phone, continuing on his original path.

Meanwhile, Kyla lays on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her foot shakes wildly as she thinks about what Angela said. Finally she leaps up, exiting her room. When she does, she bumps into one of the other Bracket A trainers.

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