Prim reached toward the waffle stack, lifting one onto her plate and turning to Nova, "Waffles. Though my dad and I used to make pancakes all the time so perhaps I just got sick of them."

Nova nodded, her lips smothered in chocolate sauce, "Primrose, can I ask you something?"

"Nova," warned Orion.

Prim was in the middle of sprinkling sugar onto her waffle, "It's fine, honestly, I don't mind. And you don't have to call me Primrose all the time. Prim is fine."

Prim reached forward to pour herself some tea whilst Nova spoke, ignoring Orion's glare, "Well, I wanted to know about the Spring Court. Mommy and Daddy never talk about it, and whenever I ask anyone else they just give me this look. I want you to tell me the truth, is it super scary or something?"

She almost choked on her tea. "Scary?" she laughed, setting her mug down, "Nova, sweetie, the Spring Court isn't scary. In fact, it's very beautiful."

Nova's violet eyes had gone wide, her mouth dropping open slightly, "Can... Can you tell me more, Prim?"

Prim nodded, taking a bite of her waffle before speaking. She found herself automatically smiling as she spoke of home. "Imagine fields of bright, green grass scattered with flowers of pink and large trees that you can climb, looking out among the forest filled with singing birds and deer. There's a light breeze in the air but the sun is beating down warmly upon your skin despite it. You're sitting against the soft grass, reading or drawing or simply sitting. The gentle sound of the lake at your side, its starlight water almost blinding - but in a good way. Sometimes you dip your feet into it, just to feel the coolness of it. You're running through the forest barefoot, laughing and jumping over fallen branches and twigs. It's pure bliss."

Her eyes were glossed over, and that did not go amiss to the people at the table. Nova was smiling sadly, moving to lay her head on Prim's shoulder. "Can we go on a walk?" she asked, Orion perking up as if he had not been listening to Prim's entire speech.

"A walk?" he asked confusingly, "But you haven't finished your breakfast."

Nova pulled away from Prim, standing and tucking in her chair, "I want to show Prim around, I want her to feel at home here, too."

Prim found herself standing before Orion had even replied, taking Nova's hand as she offered it to her. Prim found she liked holding hands with Nova, found it incredibly comforting.

"Fine," Orion sighed, getting up from his chair, "We can continue eating when we get back."

"Thank you!" Nova smiled, pulling Prim out of the room just like she had done earlier. She was rather strong for her age. The three of them headed straight for the front door, Nova skipping down the stairs as she rushed out into the city. Prim had heard of Velaris a few times, though it was far different to how she had imagined. It was like any other city, but there was something that hung in the atmosphere.

Contentment, the feeling of safety, happiness. For many people, Velaris was a safe space, or so she had been told. She could definitely see why the Night Court had hid its existence for so long. They followed Nova along past houses and into the main city, passing shops and restaurants. People smiled as they passed, kids ran happily and their parents followed behind, knowing they would be okay if they took their eyes away from them for a moment.

Prim was walking silently beside Orion, he had his hands in his pockets and was watching Nora who skipped ahead happily. The simple presence of having him beside her was slightly unnerving, her blood pumped within her veins and she felt anxiety she hadn't felt before. She observed Orion, the small smile on his lips, the way his hair was still in his face and he would just shake his head to move it from invading his eyes. The way his nose crinkled up slightly at any new scent as if he were smelling it for the first time. He was rather strange, Primrose thought, but she didn't mind strange.

"And this is the Sidra!" Nova announced, ever the tour guide.

They had reached a bridge overlooking a beautiful river sparkling with bright sapphire waters. She had never seen anything so beautiful. Prim moved to the edge of the bridge, looking out toward the river. Her arms leaned on the side of the bridge and she found herself smiling. Nova had quietened and seemingly wandered off down the bridge, leaving Prim to have a minute alone. Or so she thought.

Orion came up beside her, looking out to the river just as she did. His cologne filled her senses but still, she did not turn to him. They stood there side by side in the silence until Orion plucked up the courage to say whatever it was he needed to say.

"I would like to apologize for my uncle's behaviours at dinner yesterday. He is just protective, he means well." Orion whispered, his words carrying along the wind.

Prim pulled the sleeves of her cardigan up over her fingers, "I know,"

"And I promise not to defend you if that's what you want." he continued, now turning to look at her. Prim turned and almost gasped. His eyes, she realised, were almost the exact same shade of sapphire as the Sidra was. It was magical.

"That's what I want," she replied bitterly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Before Orion could even think of a response, Prim turned, following Nova into the shop she had just slipped into. She did stop, however, just as she reached the door. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Orion looking out over the bridge, his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched. He looked devastatingly beautiful - and she hated it.

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