Ch.12| Brigands

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Y/n = Your name

N/n = Nickname

A/n = Author's note



[Anything GAMER related]

"Magic Message!"



Y/n's POV:

It was dark outside and I was in a forrest with what seemed to be dark ages brigands. "Right..." I said sighing. 'Stuck at the beginning of the game huh?' I thought looking around. "Gaiden! We found another one!" I heard someone say grabbing me from my robes and pulling me towards them. 

"Oh, those robes sure look nice." The brigand said taking a look at my robes. 'Muscle twitch on shoulder and wrists suggest a surprise attack. From position of arms it can be predicted he is right handed, from position on the axe a horizontal swing for my neck' I deduced lowering my head as he swinged his axe missing my neck. 

"This musn't register at an emotional level." I said looking at my enemy. 'First. Distract target' I thought having a simulation of the fight in my head which was processing all of the information in minuscule fractions of a second. I kicked dirt up which made the brigand close his eyes and touch his face.

'Second. Block left axe swing with sword.' I thought as I saw the brigand slowly come to me in my mind and swinging the axe. I took out the sword out of my inventory and put the sword parallel to my side pointed downwards. 'Third. Kick the shin' I thought kicking him on the shin. 'Push axe back towards him and disarm him.' I thought pushing the axe back before hitting it again causing it to fall off the brigand's hand

'Discombobulate' I thought doing the classic discombobulate. 'Distracted stab brigand on the chest.' I thought opening my eyes. 'Chances of spitting out of head? A ninety seven percent' I thought smirking. 

I kicked the ground under me which caused dirt to go on the brigand's eyes. I took out my katana from my inventory and put it parallel to my body blocking an axe to the side. I then pushed the axe back and followed that by kicking his shin with my heel which made him put his free hand on his shin in pain. Smirking I hit his axe upwards disarming Gaiden who grunted. I threw my katana up and jumped as I struck his two ears at the same time with the palms of my hands. 

Dazed and confused Gaiden stumbled backwards. I opened the palm of my hand in-front of me allowing my katana to fall in place. I stabbed it through Gaiden's chest and his eyes widened looking at me. "W-what the fuck?" He asked falling on his side. 

[+100 Xp!]

I turned around ready to attack when I saw five people in-front of me. "That was amazing!" A blonde boy with blue eyes said running towards me. 

He was wearing some kind of military outfit with a one sided blue cape strapped to his left shoulder. "I must agree, that was quite the display." A woman with white hair said coming my way. She had blue eyes and her outfit was exactly like the blond boy except her cape was red. A tan boy with black hair and blue eyes came forwards.

"Yep, must admit that was interesting to see." He said smirking looking at what I was wearing. A woman with green hair and eyes came up to me and put her hand on my forehead. "... What are you doing?" I asked her as she hummed. "Interesting." She said making me tilt my head in confusion. "Right..." I said looking around and nodding.

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now