Ch. 18 | Bahamut Day!

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Y/n = Your name

N/n = Nickname

A/n = Author's note




[Anything GAMER related]

"Magic Message!"


A/n: I promised i would write a chapter for this fic, and write a chapter for this fic I did! I hope you enjoy it!


Y/n's POV:

Oh yes, it's the end of term, which in the end means that I have holidays, christmas holidays. Christmas is not something I really partook in because... Well because I don't exactly follow any religion - oh yea, also because my mom didn't really celebrate christmas, although there was something a lot like it in our culture(By our I mean dragon culture), that was the birthday of the dragon gods: Aasterinian, Bahamut, Chronepsis, Faluzure, Sardior, and Tiamat. Funnily enough their birthdays were all very close to actual holidays. There were a few we didn't really celebrate, according to Mom Chronepsis is an asshole who didn't deserve getting worshiped ('Controlling other people's luck with his greedy hands! Such a weasel that one! ') .

Bahamut's birthday was on the 30th of December, and on that date all dragons were supposed to travel to the Central Dragon Magical territory and then celebrate the holiday there, however mom said that I was still her little dragon and would not let me near the Central Dragon magical territory, so we celebrated at home.

I sat around, after lunch waiting for the mail to arrive, mom sent me a letter every day. Neville looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I looked back at him.

"Y/n." said Nevil, sounding a bit frightened. "Why are you smiling like that?" He questioned, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you mean." I said as the owls came down from who knows where and dropped mail. Mine dropped off a small package which had a piece of parchment tied inside of it.

"You look too happy." Neville said, turning his head left and right to see if something was about to happen. "Of course! It's almost the end of term!" I told him, but he didn't listen, he kept looking around.

"H-Hey where are Hermione, Ron and Harry?" He asked as I shrugged, taking the letter and opening it. "Who knows." I told him while opening the piece of parchment, it was written in draconic.

I smiled as I heard the two giant doors to the hall creek. I turned to look towards the noise and saw the golden trio covered in a green gooey substance, slowly stumping towards the Gryffindor table, everybody laughed.

The three kept walking until they had arrive to the spot next to Neville and I. I couldn't help smiling towards them, a very sweet- innocent smile filled with compassion and empathy.... WHO THE FUCK AM I KIDDING?!

"PFFFFFTTTT AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA" I laughed my ass off looking at them, it didn't help that the substance they had stuck to their body seemed to change color every now and again, becoming a disgusting greenish-yellow or a dark green.

"Haha - very funny," hissed Ron, "Now take it off of us!"

I looked at him and yawned. "Hmmmmmm, why?" I asked simply as Hermione looked at me in the eyes.

"It's not funny Y/n! Your pranks are going too far! You're becoming like Peeves!" She declared. I stopped laughing and looked at her.

"Don't compare me to that waste of spiritual space!" I shot back, making her roll her eyes.

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora