Philosopher's stone |Ch.9 | Regular Sunday

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Y/n = Your name

N/n = Nickname

A/n = Author's note



[Anything GAMER related]

"Magic Message!"


CallMeWatchuWant I'll keep the name in mind, I'll put Y/n Sapphyrus from now on in the status screen


Y/n's POV:

'That room I entered yesterday looks awfully familiar' I thought getting up from bed. It was Sunday which meant that I had a free day like yesterday. I think I'll finish my secret base today! I took an invisibility charm and made a [Shadow-Clone] with my aura. The clone nodded and I went towards the secret base. 

I needed to up my defences in case someone like Voldemort or Dumbledore get in my base or infiltrate it for some unknown reason. Not to mention I need some charms to counter mind magic along with sleep magic. Those are important, I don't want to get tricked again! Fucking power hungry ass.

After a while of running I arrived at my secret base. I was exited to continue! The first thing I did was draw runes for mind magic and sleep magic. Next is the second hardest part! I wanted to make it so that people not allowed to come in can't see anything inside. I found out that I could make a pocket dimension in the room. So people who aren't me just see an empty room. When I enter with the pendant and correct passkey the door will open and I will enter a pocket dimension!

It's perfect, the only problem being that it's extremely hard to make an array like that! I finished the door array and now I moved onto the pocket dimension one. I had to think of so many variables! Like guests or people who had the pendant but were not me. In the end I made it so it would open to people with an emblem on their arms. They needed the passkey however. 

After hours and hours of rune drawing I looked at the finished pocket dimension. I looked at the door and saw a dragon engraved onto the magically resistant brick. Surprisingly the magically resistant brick was also a good mana absorber making them magical batteries on themselves!

"Ulhar Kethend Ternesji Re Wer Throdenilti Versel" I said as the dragon's stone eyes turned a cold blue. The dragon started moving inside the wall and started moving in circles on the door. The circle got bigger and eventually became a passage to my secret base. 'I feel so proud' I thought shedding a small tear of happiness.

I got in and I heard the door close behind me. Everything was as I wanted it to be. There was a small workshop area, next to that a training area I was going to start working on soon, in-front of the training room was the passage to Hogwarts behind the workshop was the chill out area. Basically where I had a magically powered T.V!

Bored and without much to do I made a staircase leading downwards. 

(Time-Skip brought to you by Y/n sitting on a throne staring at Voldemort Motherfuckerly).

After the whole day I had accidentally made a dungeon of 100 floors. All I needed was a mob spawner and a throne. I smiled evilly as I bought quartz and used it to create a throne. I went up to it and sat on it. 


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Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now