Philosopher's stone|Ch.4| First day of class

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Y/n = Your name

N/n = Nickname

A/n = Author's note



[Anything GAMER related]

"Castle Talking to Y/n, and Y/n talking to the castle"



Serafall's POV: 

It's been really lonely without Y/n around. I still have my fellow satans around but it's still isn't as cheeary without him here. His pranks although not as missed for some of us, were still a huge way to cheer us up. besides Y/n never went too far on his pranks, the furthest he's gone was to add laxatives and spices to Sirzechs' coffee which in the end led to him missing a day of work.

I looked at the pendant he gave me as a goodbye gift it was beautiful. It also somehow had a storage dimension inside, Y/n never told me how he made it, all he said was that the chains were made of Kuro's scales, that the pendant could store things and that the scales would grow stronger the more time went by. 'It's only been a few days and I'm already like this' I scolded myself walking to my new little sister's room.

My little sister had been born a day after Y/n left and I haven't had the time to be much with her. She's so cute! Her name is Sona and she's going to be the head of the Sitri clan. Just like Y/n told us to we've been training everyday with each other. It was almost like he predicted what would happen next, seriously that fiancé of mine. We're having a fallout with the fallen angels which turned ugly as they started killing people in our territories. 

It just so happens that a war maniac cadre class was hoping to "end what he started" and went on a blood rampage to start another war. In the end Sirzechs and Falbium had to somehow calm him down, since that didn't work they had to use force and almost died having to fight a small army of a hundred fallen along with a cadre class fallen. In the end the fallen was knocked out and brought back to the Grigori by his boss. After the incident everyone took Y/n's advice seriously and started training every day we could.

Currently though I am in the Paimon house drinking tea with who was supposed to be the next Paimon head, she was removed as the heir the moment Y/n appeared. At first I thought she'd hate Y/n for taking her post. That was not the case. Charlotte Paimon only had positive things to say.

She apparently questioned Y/n at first. Which makes sense, who would trust their territory to a stranger? But began putting him as an idol. She idolised and looked up to him. Apparently he was charismatic, powerful and smart in all their eyes.

"I mean Lord Y/n just came home one day and said. 'Let's make something cool' and then he made a tv by himself!" She said with stars in eyes. "He's so awesome!" She said once again. I sipped my tea and nodded. "I know! In the war he went straight to a Super Class Devil and said: 'You're supposed to be a super class? Disappointing' and then he blew a hole on his head" I told her making her nod. 

"I wonder when he's coming back." She said putting her hand on her chin. "The Phoenix family has been sending many letters and messages saying that they want to meet him." She said making me nod. "Yea, apparently their youngest wants to duel Y/n with his new peerage" She said making me sigh. 

After Ajuka left he spend every second of his day researching a way to surpass Y/n. Everyday after eating, everyday after eating. He'd even stop sleeping sometimes, but eventually he came to us and said he found a way to surpass Y/n's innovations. He had found a way to reincarnate other species into devils.

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ