Philosopher's stone |Ch.7 |"The duel"

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Y/n = Your name

N/n = Nickname

A/n = Author's note



[Anything GAMER related]

"Magic Message!"



We were eating in dinner now and Harry was telling us about his new seeker position for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Neville was listening next to me and was with his mouth hang open. "Wow!" He said looking at Harry who nodded. 

"You're kidding" He said as he stopped eating and faced Harry. "Seeker" He said impressed. "But the first years never make it to the teams... You must be the youngest Quidditch player" He was interrupted by Harry who stepped in. "In the last century wood said." 

"That's amazing!" Neville said making me nod. I was thinking of another person I could prank. I didn't have a target but I really wanted it to be either a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw. 'I've already pranked plenty people in Slytherin and Gryffindor. Time to move to another house' I thought with a mischievous smile. 

"Oh bloody hell" Ron said looking at me, soon everyone nearby(Neville, Harry and the Weasley twins who were now here) turned to face me. "What is it Ron?" Both asked at the same time. "Who's your next victim?" Ron asked me making me feign ignorance. "I've got no idea what you are talking about Ron" I said so innocently it was suspicious. 

"Don't give me that. We know that it's you who's been pranking the Slytherins" Ron acused making me put a hand on my mouth and gasping. "Yea, you're right" I said shrugging. "No way" Fred said going towards us. "You are the legendary midnight trickster?" George asked wide eyed. 

"How do you do it?" They asked at the same time. To which I shrugged. "They'll never know" I sent an impulse to Neville who looked at me and chuckled while nodding. I winked at the twins an action which bothered them even more. "We'll learn your secret some day Y/n," Fred said.

"One day!" George added as they left after someone called Lee Jordan. 

Once both left three took their place. Three very annoying and unpleasant people. In other words Malfoy with Crabbe and Goyle following him. "Enjoying your last meal Potter? When exactly is your train back to the Muggles?" He asked with a high and mighty aura around him. 

"Much braver when you are on firm land and with your little friends" Harry said coldly. 'Little? Have you seen the two?' I asked in my head as I looked at Crabbe and Goyle. I bet he would have done something if he could. Too bad for him that all teachers were present on the teacher's dining table. Therefore all he could do was clench his fists and glare at us.

"I'll fight you whenever" He said narrowing his eyes at Harry. 'Does this guy's hate boner only become erect for Harry?' I thought looking at the scene. 'I embarrassed him twice and he still goes for Harry. Really who the hell is this guy?' I questioned his sanity and mental health. 

"This night if you want. A mage duel, wands only no contact. What? Never heard of a mage duel before Potter?" He asked mockingly.

"Of course he has. I am his second! Who is yours?" Ron asked suddenly. 'Isn't seconds those guys who take over after a wizard or witch dies' I mused getting a white screen as a response. 

[User has gained +1 WIS for deducing something correctly ]

'Neat' I thought looking at the screen. "Crabbe" Malfoy said making Ron nod. "How about midnight? In the trophy room. It is never locked" He said smirking. 'Ah, an obvious trap' I thought looking at Harry. "You can't be serious Harry" Neville said making Harry and Ron look at him. "What?" Harry asked. 

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat