Prologue| Dragons and more Dragons!

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Originally made July 12 2020

Y/n = Your name

A/n = Author's note



[Anything GAMER related]



Y/n's POV: 

I've always liked pranking people, as much as I love collecting treasures. It was funny looking at their reactions, specially when the prank was well made. It was also fun looking at the treasure's you've collected. Don't misinterpret me, I wasn't born in a rich family, but I've always had this luck of attracting treasures to me. I found several lost artefacts and collected several precious gemstones over the time of my life. 

Who would've that the smallest prank I've done coupled with envy for my treasures would end up killing me. 'Heh' I grunted as I touched my bleeding chest. 'Who would've thought that my prank would save someone' I thought as my vision blurred and my thought got hazy. 


I walked through the streets preparing my newest prank. My partner came to work drunk and  embarrassed me at work by yelling out that I am a virgin. He made a huge scandal and nearly got me fired. I've had a big record of pranking people since forever. I've pranked people since I can remember. Nothing too serious. Nothing life threatening. Nothing that could harm or injure someone. Just a prank that would get laughs from everyone but the one being pranked.

It was a simple prank. I made a water bucket wait at the entrance of the bank. It was vey well hidden, I had placed it next to paint buckets which were there due to a small renovation the bank was going through. My partner would walk through the door and I would drop a small amount of water over him.

I saw my partner walk through the door, however the moment I dropped water over him another man came from behind him and pointed a gun towards all of us. I pulled the sting attached to the bucket harder making the bucket fall on the criminal's masked head. He was startled for a second. Without thinking I ran towards the criminal and jumped at him making both of us fall down.

"CALL THE POLICE!!!" I yelled as I struggled to take the armed man's gun from his hand. I took off the clip of the gun and threw it sideways. The man kicked me on the chest making me fall on my but. "Aghh" The robber grunted as he pointed the gun at me. "You're not too smart man" He said putting his finger on the trigger. 

"Jokes' on you!" I yelled out. 'I have to get out of this situation!' I thought, alright, let's do this Sherlock style. 'This musn't register on an emotional level' I thought as I got up and got a small bag of marbles on my right pocket. "That gun has no more bullets left!" I yelled once again making the robber look at me confused. 'Step one, distract target' I thought as I threw the bag of marbles on his face. 

'Step two. Slap gun away' I thought as I ran towards the robber and slapped his hand away. The shock of sudden pain made him drop the gun. 

'Step three. Get bag of marbles and hit jaw' I thought as I took the bag of marbles and slapped his jaw with it. 'Step four. Use confusion to break ribs' I thought as I hit the man's chest with my fist three times. 

'Step five. Block right hook and fully break the jaw' I thought as I blocked the hook and hit his jaw once more, compleatly breaking it. 'Step five.' I thought as I felt something in my chest. Like I was in danger, I dodged to the left as  I heard a bang come from my right me. I glared at the person who shot me. My work partner had just tried to kill me. I dodged another bullet and started running towards a safe location. 

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now