Ch.27 | To Give and Recieve.

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Staring Quirrel in the eye I sighed and shook my head. He wouldn't stop mumbling, looking around in paranoia and touching the ground below him, as if it could disappear at any second... to be fair, it absolutely could. 

"You may have bested me this time child, but I will prevail in the end!" Quirrel's talkative shiny head decided to finally talk, though it was in a weak and annoyingly raspy voice. I made my way to its face and looked it in the eye. 

"You just saw what I did and think you can beat me? Man, that's some balls. I mean, it's like a toddler's telling the best in the world how to do their thing. Feels incredibly weird and out of place don't you think."

"You would compare me to a toddler? You must not know fear, child." Voldemord's voice annoyed me, so I cast the illusion that his lips were sealed, and as expected he fell for it, mumbling as if they were shut close. 

"Right, whenever you can dispel a mid-level illusion like that, I'll let you have a say on you being a toddler. Man, are you even scared of anything?" I questioned, looking Voldemort in the eye. He glared at me, supposedly to intimidate me or something. It wasn't particularly scary, especially when his vessel cried like a lost little child wanting his mom at the mall. "Man, you are the ugliest blob-fish I've seen. How do you fuck up in your specialty so bad?"

I grabbed a pie from inside my inventory and shoved it on Voldemort's face, hiding it from view, and earning an incredibly loud yelp from Quirrel who jumped, then hugged his knees mid-air. 

"You can speak again, though it'll be a little hard. Maybe try eating some of the pie." I recommended, dispelling the illusion placed on Voldemort.

"I will kill you, Y/n Merlin!" I shook my head twice.

"That's Y/n Sapphyrus Merlin Pendragon Sigurd Paimon to you," I told him, sitting in front of his face, which shook like a very ugly bobblehead.

"I shall call you however I like!" He spat back, instantly he wrinkled his nose and pursed his lips like he was tasting the most disgusting thing in existence. Instantly he started coughing as brown powder flew everywhere. I filled the pie -- after all the cream -- with cinnamon and paprika... they weren't real, but Voldy in front of me sure thought they were.

"Sure Noseless Tom, though I don't think you're in a position to sound all intimidating like that... you look like you were through a pie-eating competition." He coughed some more, which definitely made my day. "It amazes me how much someone can overestimate themselves, it really does... I mean, I get me. Descendent of the great Merlin, and a Pendragon, I am way out of your league." I told him while holding on to my cane. 

"None of your achievements came from you!" yelled Voldemort, spitting more brown powder everywhere. 

"So?" I  asked, tilting my head, "What makes you think I care? I have more power than you. Luck is also an important stat you know. And from what I can see, your luck stat is as low as they can get" -- a total of 1 in his luck stat. "I am better than you because I am luckier than you."

"You achieve nothing by yourself! You have no true power."

"Then I guess neither, do you... because most of your powers derive from items that belonged to other people, and right now you are stuck to Quirrel, to the point your title should be the "Dependent Variable" and not whatever you called yourself before."

"You are nothing by brat!"

"And you're nothing but a scrotum-looking bald head stuck to Quirrel like a clingy Yandere Girlfriend... who lost to said brat... man, the older days lacked a nice slow roast huh? You guys really suck at it. By the way, you thought this plan was smart, researched all of the trials beforehand, and then forgot completely that the last trial requires you not to want the Philosopher's Stone..." 

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now