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valeria leaned her head against jamal's shoulder as he drank his nasty ass pressed juice. The whole crew was exhausted after the night that transpired. val was still picking out the eggshells in her hair after having to deal with those raggedy ass white kids at the party they crashed.

"I can't believe Monse went home!" Ruby exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the sight of all the candy poured out in front of him. "Although she is covered in egg. But she's missing out on our jackpot."

"I don't even think I can eat anymore," val sighed cradling her stomach.

Cesar tapped ruby on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm gonna bounce."

"yeah me too bebe I'll see you tomorrow guys." valeria stood up and wrapped her arms around Ruby's neck laying a quick kiss on his lips, Cesar instantly cringed and turned his head away urging her to hurry.

"Get home safely."

"Later." Jamal called out as the door closed behind them.

"Can I have a piggyback ride home?"

"Nah you're way to heavy." He said, with a small chuckle.

"not the bodyshaming," valeria turned her head hearing loud footsteps behind them.


"Not this bitch again." val mumbled when she saw Olivia heading towards them.

Cesar turned his head quickly giving valeria a look, getting the hint she turned on her heel "don't do anything dumb." valeria could see the way olivia looked at cesar, but she knew that monse was basically his. she just hoped he wouldn't entertain olivia.


valeria rested her head against the cold window of oscar's car

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

valeria rested her head against the cold window of oscar's car. "My stomach hurts."

"I told you to go easy on the candy."

valeria rolled her eyes and got her bag when she saw they were at the front of the school.

"see you later." she said watching as he drove away, with a turn of her heel she sought out to find her friends.

the first person she found was jamal who was sporting a black eye patch around his right eye.

"hey jamal." she greeted adjusting her backpack strap.

"i don't know anything!" the lanky boy quickly shouted when he heard his name being called. "oh it's you, well i still don't know anything."

val gave the boy a weird look but decided to ignore it, feeling too tired to even finish this conversation. "alright well did you do Ms. Garcia's homework for chapter-"

"nope, love you gotta go." jamal quickly speed walking away from her, he kept looking at his watch quickly punching in numbers as he made his way into the building.

Goals • ruby martinez (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang