twenty one

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   it's been almost a month since the whole fiasco at the dance and since that day valeria had dyed her hair a bright pink, a very impulsive decision but it was her way of coping as she dealt with her constant mood swings

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it's been almost a month since the whole fiasco at the dance and since that day valeria had dyed her hair a bright pink, a very impulsive decision but it was her way of coping as she dealt with her constant mood swings.

ruby and her were having petty arguments left and right, they just couldn't get their relationship back on track.

valeria had invited ruby over to help her decorate her room since oscar and his friends were busy doing something santos related. "I told you that i wanted the poster in the right corner, not the left." ruby rolled his eyes and bit his tongue.

"i swear it's like you don't listen to me at all. see, now it's crooked."

"damn, would you get off my back already! what the hell is your problem?" ruby shouted dropping her poster and getting off her bed to stand in front of her.

valeria had her hands on her hips as she glared up at him, "you know what, don't answer that i'm out of here." he spoke snatching his phone that was charging on her desk and leaving her bedroom slamming the door behind him making her jump.

"fuck." valeria mumbled as she placed her face in her hands in frustration.



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"...and y'all haven't talked since then?" valeria took a sip of her boba milk tea shaking her head.

"maybe it's time you guys had a break, like officially?" alexis cautiously suggested, causing  valeria to raise her eyebrows just the thought of not being with ruby was strange to her. "i mean come on val, is it even working out anymore? do you even still want to be with him?"

"...I don't know." valeria shrugged her shoulders and obnoxiously sipped on her straw making a tapioca ball to shoot at the back of her throat.

"oh my god!" she exclaimed falling off her bed she cradled her neck as alexis repeatedly slapped her back.

"hey, i brought you back some takis." oscar raised an eyebrow at the two before rolling his eyes and turning back on his heel.

after alexis saved valeria from choking to death, the two decided to head to the freedridge mall for some girl time

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after alexis saved valeria from choking to death, the two decided to head to the freedridge mall for some girl time. "you have horrible taste in clothing," valeria spoke bluntly.

"i'm not gonna take advice from someone who looks like a troll doll." alexis retaliated.

valeria gave her the finger with a fake smile. "so, what's up with you and jamal?" she asked skimming her way through racks. "it's like we're both playing a game of cat and mouse. i don't know it's weird but i kinda like it."

"you guys are the weirdest couple i've ever encountered." the two girls walked to the cashier and paid for their items separately before walking back since oscar didn't pick up his phone to pick them up.

"we're not dating."

"whatever." valeria sung teasingly.


alexis groaned throwing her head back as she complained about her sore feet. she continued to do this until they reached val's street. "he didn't answer me because he was throwing a party, are you kidding me."

"move." valeria ordered to the santo in front of her who immediately stepped out of her way. she got to her doorstep and stared down at her brother who sat on the steps with a modelo in his hand. "we called you like 9 times."

"we could've died of heat exhaustion." oscar pointed his finger at alexis. "you are dramatic as hell and you," he switched his pointer finger to his sister "should've took it seriously when i told you i wasn't going to pick you up. now relax and enjoy the party." he stood up and smiled taking their shopping bags from their arms to put in her room.

valeria huffed and fixed her hair. "oh shit val i think i see your boy over there."

the pink haired girl turned her head to see ruby and an older looking girl hovering over him who sucked out what appeared to be a lime from his open mouth causing alexis and valeria's mouths to fall open.

she felt her heart clench, not in sadness but in embarrassment and anger. that's when it hit her that she no longer loved ruby; at least not like she did before because if she did she would've been choking on her sobs right about now. "i'm gonna go beat his short little ass." valeria was quick to place her arm in front of alexis, stopping her from marching over to a giddy ruby.

"don't. it's over, don't even worry about it."

by the look she saw on ruby's face she could see that she wasn't running through his mind when he did what he did. so, if he didn't care and if she didn't care then there wasn't much to fight for. they were done.

the party was over and valeria stayed inside her room with alexis avoiding everyone the whole night. they cringed and made fun of ruby's rap song and then cursed him out when he single handedly ended the truce between the santos and the prophets.

now, valeria was currently alone in her room with her thoughts. she looked down at her phone when it started to buzz. she stared at ruby's face on her screen as he tried to facetime her, she took a depp breath before answering.

the tension was thick which made them both uncomfortable.

ruby was the first to break the silence, "i'm sorry." the girl couldn't help but to scoff, "you're not sorry ruby. you weren't even thinking about me when you cheated because you don't give a shit anymore."

ruby was quick to object. "val I swear that's not true I-"

"I don't really give a shit anymore either."

ruby felt his heart stop in his chest. he didn't even recognize her anymore but then again he didn't even recognize himself. everyday in the morning when he looked in the mirror he felt like he was looking at a stranger. he just wasn't himself anymore and neither was val, they both were so lost.

" it really over between us?" ruby finally spoke.

it felt like valeria was looking at a whole different person. "yeah, it is." she spoke, not wasting anytime she hung up. she started to fan her face as tears welled up in her eyes, she could no longer bear holding the heartbreak in any longer and placed her hand to her chest gripping at the fabric of her hoodie, that happened to smell exactly like him causing a sob to escape her as her grief poured out into a flood of uncontrollable tears.

not her crying over a boy who isn't even 6ft 🙄 her first mistake.

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