Chap 3: First day of school

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Third Person POV
"Something's wrong, i can feel it" Philip whispered. "What was that?" Spain asked. "Nothing" Philip then answered as the driver looked at them. "Seatbelts on, kids!" the driver said.

The countries did as what the driver said and put the seatbelts on. After a few seconds, the bus then drove really fast, making the entire students scream. Some of them were hugging eachother, hugging themselves, holding their friend's shoulder, etc.

"YOU'RE NOT SCARED OF CRASH? WE COULD HIT A CAR!" Indo asked, terrifyingly. "Don't worry, kid. This bus is invisible" the driver answered. Then the bus suddenly stopped, making the students almost threw themselves forward.

The students were panting, then they saw another students entering. There's 4 more students, the first person's flag includes 13 red striped running horizontal, with a dark blue rectangle at the top right, bearing 50 small stars.

The second person's flag includes red, white, and red vertical band with a red maple leaf in the center of the white band. The third person's flag is a tricolor consisting 3 horizontal bands, black, red, and warm yellow. And last, the fourth person's flag is just white and red, almost looked like Indonesia's flag but upside down.

The four of them sat down, while putting on their seatbelts since they saw other students with seatbelts on.

Philip's POV
Ah sh**, here we go again. I held the front seat tightly, and then woosh, the bus drove fastly again. The students were screaming, it feels like we're in a roller coaster. Then after a few seconds, we suddenly stopped. Good. More students.


Third Person POV
They finally arrived. There, stood a small but huge island at the sky, carrying a huge building and lots of countries. The bus parked at the parking lot as the students walked out, of the bus, panting. The five of the Asean kids were the first ones to hop out. "Imagine sitting in a flying bus!" Indo exclaimed. "I can't imagine doing this everyday!" Malay continued.

"I-i think i'm gonna puke" Singa said, The four of them looked at him as he throw up. "EEEWW!" Malay complained while looking away, covering his (non-existent) nose. Singa finally stopped as Philip looked at the building of the school.

"Wow i love this school" Philip said. The four of them looked at the school too and was amazed by how big it was. Shaped like a giant tube with many windows, it seems like there's 5 floors. "Let's go, guys" Philip said while fast-walking into the building. The four of them followed him as they entered the building.

They were amazed by how big the inside is. There's a classic music playing in the building, making it feel like a (modern) castle. Students talking to eachother, and there's some students flying around. "BEST SCHOOL EVER!" Malay shouted, making some people look at him.

"Excuse me. Are you guys the new students?" a person called them from behind. They turned around and looked at the person. Flag with white, dark blue, and red running horizontal. Wearing a white jacket. His expression is almost cold, but there's still a small smile on his face. He's also holding small papers. "My name is Russia. I'm from the second grade, assigned to give the new students the information papers" Russia said.

Malay then whispered to the Filipino, "Do we have to introduce ourselves too?". "No need" Russia answered. "Anyway, here's the papers" Russia said while handing them the papers. "I gotta go now, see you later" Russ said while walking away, waving a "bye" to them. Then Philip looked at the paper.

Name: Philippines
Class: 10B
Floor: 2
Corridor: 9

"I got in class 10B" Indo said. "Me too" Philip answered. Then Malay looked at the two, "Nice! Me too" he said. "I think we all got 10B" Singa continued, and Brunei nodded. Then they looked around, and they saw an elevator. "An elevator!" Brunei said. "No way!" Indo's eyes widened.

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