• Pᴇᴀᴄᴇ •

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, i'll see you tomorrow." George's small giggles made its way to his ears, blessing them as he walked backwards, hand out in a small waving gesture. He didn't want to walk away, it never felt right. But it had to be done.

He struggled to put the feeling into words, all scrambled in his brain as it failed to function. None of it made much sense to him, the constant laughing and smiling that hurt his cheeks, the feeling sombre and sad when he had to leave, getting back to his own life. Normality, the world in which he didn't smile, and he certainly didn't let blush creep up in his cheeks like it was now.

He watched as George went to close the door, hand still waving shyly, waiting for him to leave. But he didn't want to leave. He would leave anyway of course, but not before he did one last thing.

"Wait!" George opened the door fully, a questionable expression on his face that soon broke into a bright smile as soon as Reece had moved, slowly walking up and awkwardly wrapping his arms around George. He was hugging him, why and how he did not know. But he didn't care as he buried his head into the crook of his neck, closing his eyes for a split-second. He felt his chest explode with warmth as he he sniffed in the familiar scent, vanilla and chamomile.

He was hugging someone, he was hugging someone, and he actually enjoyed it.

The words were ringing in his head as pulled back, looking at George in shock, the fact that he had just ran up and hugged him was being processed in his mind, failing to make sense.

George just smiled, tight lipped but not tense, shoulders dropped and he came closer, whispering in his ear.

"I'm proud of you, you should be too." He opened his mouth to reject it, why should he be proud? But he settled for keeping it shut, feeling his breath hitch as George moved his head away from his ear, missing the sensual feeling of his hot breath tickling his earlobe.

"T-thanks. Bye..." he waved once more, practically skipping on his way to work, not once letting the smile slip off his face as he still felt the warmth rummaging through his body, filling him with unprecedented happiness.

He was proud of himself, he was very proud. And happy. AND confused.

His strong feelings overwhelmed him, but he felt no distress as he walked away. None at all.

He subconsciously whistled happily as he counted the money, flicking through wads of cash that came with the familiar stench of crime. But it wasn't the current situation that was granting him such happiness. No, it certainly wasn't the fact he was counting wads of money that has been ruthlessly stolen that was bringing him such feelings of content, it was a small, shy blondie that was occupying his mind.

Usually he refrained from even thinking of George while he was working, it could be debated that it was a recent rule of his mind, but today was different. He wasn't feeling cold and empty, the unfamiliar warmth still residing in his heart, melting away his 'cold, ruthless' facade. He was different today, and he wasn't the only one who had noticed.

Elias and indigo shared a confused look, eyebrows raised in amusement as he whisked away, working freely. Blake simply stood in the back of the old storage room, a small smile on his face as he tried to hold in a laugh.

"What's got you so happy today? You look like a child who just fell into a pit of endless candy. Spill" he jumped as Elias' voice rang out, playful and tone full of tease as he nudged him, earning a harsh elbow in the stomach.

"Owww, Reece! S'no call for that"

"I'm not happy today, but I would be if you would shut your mouth for more than two seconds" he laughed, a little strained as he watched their faces light up, like a lightbulb that just went off in both of their heads. Indigo and Elias, he will admit they were useful, but they were always trouble when out together. Like two peas in a pod, he always thought it was strange. But now he guessed they were just..friends. Like him and George, expect George was better than all the people swarming this room put together.

"oH my- Elias, Blake. I think I've discovered the reason for his unusual joyfulness-"

"I haven't even smiled! How is tha-"

"He's got a gurlll..." she dragged the word out, but he couldn't hear it as he froze. He did not have a girl, nothing even remotely close, so why did those words spike such fear in him. Fear that they'll find out. But about what? George was a friend. That's all. And he certainly wasn't a girl.

"I do not. Mind your own bloody business and do your job." He sighed and rolled his eyes as her smirk just amplified, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat who'd just ran wild.

He turned away then, eager for the talking to shut down, willing for uncomfortable silence to come and save him from this monstrosity of a conversation. They didn't talk about their personal lives, so why was this an exception? He put it down to boredom, all of them given the dreadful job as a punishment for being late.

But did he regret it? Nope, not one but. He'd be late everyday if it meant he got to spend another minute watching George's face light up the way no one else's could.

"Ohhh. Someone's feisty, sounds like we hit a nerve. Who is she? A hookup or a proper one? Or maybe it's a boy" he temporarily froze then, heart picking up in speed no matter how much he willed for it to slow down. It's fine, he doesn't know. There's no way he could.

"Elias! drop it. Leave him alone" Blake's voice rang out from behind him and it did nothing for his nerves. If Blake was concerned that he was getting too close to the truth, then there was reason for him to be pretty wound up too.

"does Reece have a cute little boyfriend?" He spun around in a quick, swift motion as he slammed Elias into the wall behind him, cutting off his snarky voice as he smirked, clearly getting what he was looking for. Shit shit shit. But he didn't care, because no. Even if George wasn't his boyfriend, there was no doubt he was the main source of his recent uplifting mood. Elias couldn't know about him, nobody could. Reece couldn't do that to him.

He could hear indigos penentaring voice ringing staright through the air like a knife, piecing mercifully into his head, splitting it hordendlusly as he tried to block it out, focusing on the cocky boy in front of him.

"Reece.." Blake's warning voice was coming closer, no doubt ready to interview if anything kicked off. Yeah, fights were dangerous, but they could be lethal when each had a knife in their pocket, ready to be dug out in seconds if needed.

"Fucking drop it" he snarled, voice low and gruff was he pushed him harder against the wall before being pushed back, shoulder given a hard push, resulting in him tripping back a few steps, but he just huffed out an angry breath, throwing the wads of money down on the plastic table, stomping out the door.

This was his life. Why was this his fucking life?

Couldn't he just be happy?

What is this you may ask? I have no clue whatsoever but: here it is.
I wanted to write a nice, happy chapter since I'm in a good mood but I didn't really have time and wasn't in the right mind frame to write haha.
Hope everyone getting gcse results did well and got what they wanted xx
Thanks for reading!

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