"Why the hell does Luke have her in the tub? Is she like..."

"Naked? Yes. And apparently it helps with calming nerves."

I feel slightly uncomfortable, and angry, "has she always been a heavy drinker?"

"No, she only drank at special occasions. You know, weddings, New Years, stuff like that. When adults were around. She's never gotten herself drunk before. Well, until about one-or-two months ago. She drinks whenever she gets depressed."

"Oh, I feel like I should wait down here. I don't want to see a girl I've never met before...naked."

She nods, "I understand. I'll got, um, check on her."

"I just want to go to bed! I just want to make my fucking family happy! Why can't this bitch called destiny just bring me my god damn soulmate? Get the fuck off of me you creep!" I here, who I'm assuming, Dylan yell. Her words are slurred.

"I think you should," I agree with Aubrey.

She quickly runs up the stairs. A few minutes later, Michael, Luke, and Calum, walk down the stairs. I turn around on the couch, their clothes are dripping wet.

"New rule: next time we have to deal with a drunk girl-which I hope is never- we don't listen to Luke," Michael announces.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just thought it would ease her and-if you didn't notice- it did. She stopped splashing us like two minutes in," Luke defends.

"Shut up, Luke."

"Wait, didn't you guys meet this girl yesterday? Like, all of you?" I question.

"Yeah..." Luke says.

"So you think it's a good idea to just, strip her down, and give her a bath?"

They were silent.

"Luke, I know you like sex, but you need to chill the fuck out. A drunk girl? Man, that is too damn far," I stand up from the couch and walk to Luke.

"Dude, you need to chill. I'm not going to fuck her, she's too fucking intelligent when she's hungover. She isn't even drunk anymore, she's just hungover. I'm not that low either man. You know that. And when did you start caring anyway?"

I shake my head, "I don't know."

Aubrey walks down the stairs before I can bash Luke's head in for laying one of his filthy fingers on a drunk girl.

"Is she drunk, or hungover?" I ask quickly.

"Neither, she's asleep," she responds.

Aubrey is holding three shirts and, three pairs of sweatpants. She gives one set to each of the guys.

"You can change in the bathrooms. There is one over there, the one upstairs, and one in my parents room," she points around the house.

They all go to different rooms, and soon come back wearing dry clothes. Aubrey throws their wet clothing into the dryer. She orders us a couple pizzas, a two liter of pop, and breadsticks. The food arrives and we start eating. I hadn't eaten anything all day, and by the time the food gets here it's one o'clock. Another hour goes by of conversations. I can't keep my eyes off of the stairs. I'm waiting to see this mystery girl.

"Dylan is hot as fuck, Ash," Michael says.

I direct my gaze at him.

"Would she appreciate you calling her 'hot as fuck'?" I ask.

Michael's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "dude, I say that about girls all the time. You seriously need to loses up."

"No. I don't. When you first saw her, was she..." I have a hard time getting the word out, naked?"

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