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(Ashton's P.O.V.)

Dylan fell asleep on the ride back to my house. The car fell silent after she told me she wanted to be numb. I wanted to ask her what she meant by that but I didn't want to push it farther than I already had. She leaned her head against the window after that and fell asleep.

We're now at my house and I don't think it would be a good idea to wake her up. I get out of my car and walk over to her door. I open the door, unbuckle her, slide my arms underneath her, and lift her out of the car. I close the door with my butt and walk up to the door. After trying to get my keys out for five minutes, I give up and knock on the door. It's about two in the morning on a Friday so I don't expect anyone to answer. We stand there for a few minutes until I knock again. My mum comes to the door.

"Ashton? It's two o'clock in the- oh my god," I guess she didn't see the limp girl in my arms, "who is that?"

"I had her over a few weeks ago," I say, still standing outside.

"I know that, but why do you have her?"

I take a deep breath, "well, she was drunk and at a cemetery by herself and I didn't want her to drive home. So, here she is."

"Why was she at a cemetery?"

"Mum, can I please just come in and put her down? Then, you can ask questions."

"Oh, yeah," she opens the door wider, "of course."

I walk down the hall to my room, place Dylan on my bed, take off her shoes, and put a blanket over her. I shrug and walk back out to the living room. My mum is sitting on the couch with the lamp next to her on. I sit across from her and lean down to take off my shoes.

"Will you answer me now?"

I look up to her, "yeah."

"Why was she at the cemetery?"

"She was visiting a friend," I don't want to tell her too much because I don't really know anything.

"At two o'clock in the morning?"

"It takes like, half an hour to drive from there to here, and she was probably there for like, an hour before I showed up," I take off my shoes and lean back in the chair.

She eyes me suspiciously, "okay? Why did you feel responsible to take care of her?"

I guess this is the time I tell her, "Mum," I take a deep breath, "Dylan is my soulmate. Hence the whole 'eye changing' thing," I use air quotes.

Her eyes widen and her mouth drops, "are you serious?"

I nod, "yeah."

"How long have you known? Why didn't you tell me?"

I feel guilty, it's been months and I didn't tell my own mother, "a couple months, I'm sorry."

She shakes her head, "Ashton... It's too late now. Come over here."

I furrow my eyebrows and turn my head.

"I want to see your eyes, come here."

I nod in understanding and walk over to her. I get on my knees and move towards the light. My mum grabs my face and looks around.

"Yep, that looks about right," she says and let's go, "it's late, go to bed."

I stand and walk to my bedroom. I keep the light off and go to my dresser. I take off my shirt and change my pants. Dylan sits up, throws her legs over the edge of my bed, attempts to stand, falls, and pukes all over my floor. I lean next to her, and pull her hair out of her face. To my left is a bin, so I take it, and in between her heaves, I place it under her face. She holds the sides and empties her stomach. After about ten minutes of vomiting, she tries again but nothing comes out.

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