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(Dylan's P.O.V.)

After dinner is made, Michael sets the table and I go into my room to change. Luke asked me what a noodle spoon was and I told him it was for scooping noodles and he picked it up and swiped it across my legs telling me it was 'for my noodley legs.' Then he proceeded to scoop my butt with it, making my pants look like I pooped myself. I put on a pair of light grey leggings and a black cut-off crop top. I open the door and when I do I honestly don't really know what to think.

I can feel my stomach turn but there is a voice in the back of my head, a much nicer voice than normal, telling me that he is mine. There is nothing in this world that can change that. He was destined to be with me and I always forget that. Maybe that's why I'm so distant with him. Because I'm afraid of loss. I'm afraid of losing him. As soon as this train hits me, Ashton notices it. I can see the joy in his eyes blow away as a gust of sympathy comes in.

I stand up straight and look at the girl. She's cute. She has hair a little longer than a pixie, her eyes don't match, her smile is wide as well as her hips, and - not gonna lie - she has a butt. Great.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer," she stretches her hand out for me to take, "but you can call me Jay."

I take her hand and nod curtly, "Dylan."

Ashton is eyeing me like a hawk but I choose to ignore it.

"It smells really good, like oh my god," Jay says.

"Yeah, we made dinner," Luke says and introduces himself.

"I invited Jay to stay for dinner," Ashton finally speaks.

I have my back turned to him. I'm currently getting the pot of pasta to put on the table and I roll my eyes. Of course he would. Laith asks Michael to get another plate, fork, knife, and cup for our unexpected guest. After everyone is sat at the table, I bring the sauce to put next to the pasta, allowing people to serve themselves. I walk around the table and plop down next to Luke. A smile covers his face and he gently hits my knee with his. I smile back at him and he winks. I look across the table to see a very infuriated Ashton and a super eager Jay.

I know that if Jay and I were under different circumstances, we would be great friends. She's a very bubbly, happy, go-lucky, kind of girl. Aubrey offers her first serve because she is, in fact, our guest. She doesn't take much and then hands the bowl to me. I give her a small smile to say thanks and take it. After I pour my pasta, it goes around the table and I begin eating. I forgot how much I loved spaghetti.

"So, are you guys all, like, together? Like, does everyone have their someone? I'm sorry, I probably sound crazy," Jay laughs.

"Yeah, we all came together," Aubrey starts, "Violet here was an unexpected addition."

"Right, but like, are you two together, and you two, and you two, and..." she points to the couples then looks at me. Her voice trails off and my eyebrows are raised. Jay quickly glances at Ashton and he keeps his eyes on me.

I sit up and swallow my food, "yep. We are all with someone. Well, I mean, apparently we all are. Ashton and I haven't really discussed it but, after what I was told, I found out that I'm his girlfriend. It's crazy how much you can learn in one day."

Everyone shifts uncomfortably except for Ashton and I. His eyes bore through mine and I raise an eyebrow at him. He breaks my gaze and sits up, "would you excuse me a moment."

"Of course, honey," I say sarcastically.

Ashton glares at me for the thousandth time tonight and walks into our room, closing the door behind him.

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