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(Ashton's P.O.V.)

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you."

I stand in front of Luke's house in the cold. The front door is opened just enough to see Luke's face. His eyes are in slits and his nose is turning back to it's original color. He just stares at me suspiciously.

"Okay, then talk," he opens the door and crosses his arms over his chest.

I take a deep breath, "I'm not here to apologize and I don't expect you to either. We both had our reasons for what we did. I hit you out of anger and jealousy. Which is bullshit, I know. But, in my defense, she is my soulmate and I'm not letting you get between that. I understand that you have feelings for her, but fate didn't want you together. I hope you can see that. You're going to meet someone someday and you'll be in love, and you'll forget all about Dylan."

"Right, kind of like how you forgot about Alice?" He bites.

"That's different and you know it," I try to remain calm.

He sighs in defeat, "you're right. For your information, I met my soulmate," his face holds a smirk.

My eyebrows raise, "really?"

"Yep, her name is Violet."

"Dude, that's great," I'm smiling, him not so much, "whats she like?"

"First, are we on like friend terms again? Because I kind of need to know, I haven't been able to talk to, like, anyone," he chuckles.

"If you won't go after and fuck Dylan again, sure. And what about Michael and Calum?"

"I won't be doing that, especially after the ass whooping I got because of it, and busy."

"Ah," I nod in understanding, "and alright."

"Do you want to come in? It's freezing, man."

"Yeah," I walk into Luke's house and take off my shoes and jacket.

We walk to the living room, and flop onto the couch.

"So, what's she like?" I ask again.

"Well, she's no Dylan that's for damn sure," his smile is full of humor.

I scowl, then laugh.

"But seriously, she seems cool. She's really nice and really hot."

I roll my eyes, "really? That isn't cool. She's your soulmate, not a stove."

My joke causes Luke to hunch over and clench his stomach in laughter. I laugh along with him. He makes an ungodly noise that sounds like a cow and a rooster together, and we laugh harder. Luke wipes his eyes of tears and gains himself back together.

"Okay, in all honesty, she's beautiful. Her hair is a dark, dark, brown. She's like really short, a little taller than Aubrey, and she has a butt."

I laugh, "wonderful, what's her personality like?"

"I don't really know, we've only hung out once. I do know that she's from New York though."

"When did you meet her?"

"Like, two weeks ago... When we weren't talking. I told Calum and Michael, but I guess they didn't tell you."

"Yeah, I've kind of distanced myself from them. I stayed at Dylan's for a night and I didn't really want to be with anyone after that. But, I'm here because I wanted to talk to you because Dylan likes you and you're friends so," I shrug, "but it went better than I thought."

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