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(Ashton's P.O.V.)

"Ashton, you can't just leave her like that," Alice says as we drive on the highway.

"You don't know her, Alice," I say harshly, keeping my eyes on the road.

"You're right, I don't know her. But I sure as hell know that she wants someone. She needs someone-"

"No, Alice! You don't know her! If you try to even speak about anything that's bothering her, she'll lock up and sit there! She doesn't address her feelings toward anything! Hell, she doesn't even tell her parents that she loves them! How fucked up do you have to be to not tell your parents you love them?" I shout.

"Do not raise your voice at me, Ashton," she says sternly.

I sigh, "I'm sorry. I'm just really pissed off."

"I know, that's what got you here."

I roll my eyes. I forgot how she was always right about everything. I switch lanes to go exit back to the Townsberren Centre but she stops me.

"Take us back to your house."

I'm taken aback by her order, "what?"

"Take us back to your house. I need to talk to you in something that isn't moving."

I switch back and drive to my house. It takes about thirty minutes and by the time we're there, my head is pounding. I haven't stopped thinking about the way Dylan yelled at me. She's right, I know nothing about Harry or her. Maybe if she opened up to me it would be easier. I barely even knew her and I told her about Alice, and she kissed me after. I mean who the hell does that? Yeah, I told her it was okay and I did kiss her back and she tried to stop me but... Okay, I have nothing. But it was totally uncalled for, for Dylan to tell me I loved Alice right in front of her face. I care for Alice, deeply, but I don't love her like I used to. I hope she knows that. I'm sure she does because she's very understanding and she knows that I'm with Dylan-can I even say that? We've kissed a few times and we've stayed at each other's houses but we've never discussed it. I wouldn't say I'm with her at the moment, mainly because she hates me. She's so different when we're alone. She's almost happy but she still has an 'I don't care' attitude. Something tells me that if she was in my position, she wouldn't have came and looked for me.

I pull into my driveway and pull out the key to my car. I look over at Alice and she looks so young. Her eyes flash around with memories flowing through them. She turns to face me and I can't help but laugh at what she says.

"Your hair was awful," her face is full of concern, "I'm not saying it's any better now, but it was really bad back then."

I snort, "what's wrong with my hair now?"

She tilts her head, "really?"

"Yes!" I can't help but laugh.

"You really need a haircut."

I roll my eyes and get out of the car. My mum's car isn't here, so I'm assuming she's out with the rest of the family. I unlock the front door and walk in. I take off my shoes and head to the kitchen. It's a little past three o'clock. I walk back out to the living room with two cups of water and Alice is slowly making her way around the room. I watch as her hands move across the back of the sofa and her eyes travel to the family portraits on the wall, and the picture my mum took a few weeks ago. It's of Luke, Calum, Michael, Aubrey, Laith, Dylan , and I. We're sitting at the kitchen table, grabbing pieces of pizza, throwing cheese, and everyone is laughing. Dylan is biting a piece of pizza with a smile on her face, laughing at Michael and Luke, and I'm looking at her with a small smile.

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