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(Dylan's P.O.V.)

"Ashton?" I whisper and sit up from his chest. My chest begins to burn, my arms and legs begin to shake, and I find it hard to breathe.

Ashton opens his eyes and looks at me with concern. He sits up and leans on his elbows behind him, "what's wrong?"

I swallow and can feel tears brimming my eyes. "I'm gonna be sick." I swiftly climb over Ashton and run to his bathroom. I nearly slip on the tile floor but catch myself on the toilet. My head is practically in the bowl when Ashton comes into the room.

"Fuck, okay. Um, here," he kneels beside me, collects all of my hair, and holds it for me.

I cough again and nothing but clear liquid comes out. That's what I get for drinking water instead of eating food. I pick my head up and let out a shaky breath. I don't want to swallow because I know it will be gross and will sting. I spit out all of the saliva in my mouth into the toilet. I raise up on my knees as I vomit again. I spat a few more times to get the acid filled spit out of my mouth. I finally swallow and feel absolutely disgusting. My hand reaches for the handle and I turn it down, flushing the toilet. But it doesn't work.

Ashton sits up and reaches for it, "here, the thing is weird and you have to jiggle it."

I nod and wipe my eyes, smearing tears and makeup over my face. I take a deep breath and fall back onto the backs of my legs. I keep my eyes on the floor, Ashton lets go of my hair, and I move to lean against the wall. Ashton goes to sit next to me, wraps one arm around my shoulders and the other under my knees, and pulls me up so my legs are over his lap and I'm leaning into his chest. His hand, which was previously under my legs, moves around my back and pulls me closer into him. I keep my arms around my torso and feel my eyes become heavy.

Ashton gives me a reassuring kiss on my head and I nuzzle further into him, drifting into an uneasy sleep.


I wake up to a big, empty, bed. My eyes search the room for any sign of Ashton. I swallow and immediately regret it. My mouth tastes like butt. I need a tooth brush or mouth wash or something. I slowly rise to my feet and walk over to Ashton's bathroom. I grab the mouth wash bottle and pour a little into the cap. After rinsing my mouth, it feels minty and stings and ew, I don't like it. I find my phone on the floor and pick it up to text Ashton. Right when I click on his name, I hear a loud giggle come from the kitchen. Found him.

My legs carry me to the hall and when the bathroom door opens and I see Lauren's face, I remember that I'm only wearing a t-shirt and Ashton's boxers. I give her an awkward smile then walk into the bathroom, close the door, and look in the mirror. I cringe at my appearance and question whether or not it looks as though I've had sex twice in a row. The answer to that question is yes, yes I do. I desperately try and fix my makeup, if that's even possible at this point. Then I rummage through the cabinets for a hairbrush. I find one that has The Little Mermaid on the back and shrug before running it through my mess of a hair. I take one last look in the mirror and tell myself I look better than before.

I walk down to the kitchen and see Ashton sitting at the table across from his little brother. There is a pile of pancakes on a plate in the middle of the table, with a plate of bacon and a bowl of eggs next to it. Lauren goes to sit by Harry after bringing over plates. She gives me an I-know-why-you're-here-and-I'd-change-before-my-mum-sees-you look. I nod and nod to Ashton. She nods back and leans over to the bubbly boy. She whispers something to him, his smile fades and realization hits. He abruptly stands from the table and eyes his mom at the stove, I think she's making hash browns? Ashton turns around, meets me with wide eyes, walks pass me, and grabs my elbow, dragging me along.

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