chapter 25 Joint Training

Start from the beginning

"Thats all I know of." She answered honestly. All her hatred for me had disappeared. Why was my question.

It didn't take long for Neji to win. But instead he went to help Lee up. He was giving him advice on how to strengthen his taijutsu.

"Guy sensei I can go again." Neji said coming over with Lee. They were both unhurt and not exhausted. Not like Lee used to be.

"Alright then Michigo can go up against him." Kakashi said putting his book away. He was now watching us closely. Lifting up his head band to watch us with his byakugan.

That meant he was going to remember every move we made. Even see through it.

"Alright." I nodded walking back out to the field once again.

"Dont hold back." Neji said activating his byakugan. He was no longer smiling. Frowning in concentration. "If you really held back that day let's see your full strength."

"Alright." I said. I was a little scared I'm not going to lie.

"I promise I won't hold back. Not on you." He said frowning. Was he still angry?

My heart pounded hard with fear. Was he mad? Was he not?

"Im not mad. Not in the least." He answered. My eyes widened slightly.

Was he reading my thoughts? I hand my hands up in defense over my chest hoping that he won't see into my heart. He was reading into me.

"My eyes see all." He answered. He was definitely reading into me. He saw everything. And that scared me. His byakugan wasn't missing a beat.

He was definitely underestimated by us. Not if he can read into your every thought. He wasnt even standing ready to fight. He was standing normal just watching me. His eyes have not moved from me once.

It was so sudden that he was in front of me in a few seconds but right as he was going to hit me Kakashi sensei, Guy sensei, Asuma sensei and Kurenai sensei  also appeared.

I had no idea that they were even in the vicinity.

"Alright Neji thats enough." Guy sensei said seriously stepping in. He had suddenly appeared behind him holding his left shoulder.

Kurenai sensei had appeared kneeling in front of him on the left arm outstretched  as if he was going to attack me with the intent to kill.

Asuma had appeared on the right holding his outstretched arm and Kakashi sensei had appeared in the front one hand in his pocket and the other in front blocking his view from me. He had two fingers on his headband.

They stopped him. Why? Is he really that dangerous?

"Thats enough." Kakashi sensei said in a serious tone. I peaked around him to see Neji frowning, glaring at him.

He was still mad. No he wasn't. He was furious. He absolutely hated me. That brought tears to my eyes.

"Michigo!" Tenten and Lee immediately ran over to me. "Are you ok?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah but why did they have to step in?" I asked curious and scared.

"He was going to hit you with all he had and you weren't prepared for it." She said immediately soothing my worries. He wasnt mad after all. So why was he glaring at them?

"Why is he mad then?" I asked once I was calmer.

"Its because they stepped in." She answered looking back. They hadn't moved. Neither had Neji. He was still ready to attack. Byakugan still activated.

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