chapter 5

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We didn't even realize that the sun went down, me and Lee. We were chatting away about things we liked and disliked. Of course I lied and said a lot of things. Just to try to fit in. I also lied about my dream I told him since he told me all his dreams about becoming the best ninja even without ninjutsu or genjutsu and on taijutsu alone. My fake dream that I told him was that I'd be the best ANBU and restore my clan to greatness here in the leaf village. 

"Well Lee thanks for the company but it's dark and I really should get going." I said as I got up to start walking.

"It is alright Michigo. I will see you tomorrow morning for training." Lee said getting up as well.
"Let me at least walk you home."

"I'm fine. Honest. Besides I think your house is located on the other side of the village?" I asked with curiosity as we left the training grounds.

"No I insist." He replied.

Well he sure is persistent. I guess Ill let him. Maybe that thing in my house will go away.

"Well I guess it's ok then." And with that we headed for my house. The whole way seemed quiet but not an awkward type of quiet but a comfortable type.

"Well here is my house." I said as I warily unlocked my door. I slowly pushed it open just to check if anything was out of the ordinary. I'm kinda scared to open it and go in now. Especially because of what I saw and heard before.

Nejis pov

I saw Lee and Michigo talking and laughing after training. It made me kind of mad but I didn't have any clue as to why.

Pshh... look at them. Talking and laughing without a care in the world. They should be training. With her skills she should be teaching him not talking. Wait why am I angry? I don't even care about her. She's nothing to me. Hmph.

I took off towards my house. It really bugged me why I was angry at them. They were just talking. They meant nothing to me. All I cared about was getting stronger. Yet it bothered me that they were talking together.  When I got home I took off my shoes went inside and grabbed some dinner that lady Hinata made. Then went to my room to meditate. I don't know why but I couldn't seem to focus. All I was thinking about was Michigo and Lee.

Damn them. Damn her. I can't concentrate because of her. Guess Ill just go to sleep then.

The next morning I woke up early to train. I quickly ate an apple then went to the training grounds to find no one there yet.

Seems I'm the only one. Well at least I can train in private.

I was practicing my gentle fist against a tree when I felt a presence nearby. So naturally I activated my byakugan to check it out.

"Come out I know your there."
Well I didn't mean to have it come out that harsh. Oh well can't do anything about it now.

"Uhm I didn't know anyone was here. Sorry." She said sitting down against the tree she was hiding behind.

Shes not even going to train? Hm. Shes cocky. Thinking shes stronger than us and doesnt have to train.

"What are you lazy? Just because your stronger than my teammates doesn't mean your stronger than me. Unlike lady Hinata I'm not that weak. I am alot stronger then her and my teammates. So don't get all that cocky and get off your lazy ass and train." I said without even turning around to look at her.

Still not going to train? Hmph I will just have to put her in her place when I fight her.
I thought with a smirk as I started to train again.

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