chapter 10

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I walked behind the group quietly. Mainly because I felt as if they, as in my teammates, didn't want me around. I didn't understand why. I mean I can help the group succeed on many more missions.

Why can't I be normal. Why is it always me.

It went like that til night fall, where noone would talk to me. Not even Lee. He was nice to me before but something must have gotten into him for him to be quiet and ignore me. Might have been Tenten but I couldn't be positive. I knew she liked Neji but it wad obvious that he didn't like her and with me on the team she might have thought of me as competition. I couldn't understand why she would. I mean I'm just a no body. He doesn't even like being around me. He's forced to be with me because of lady hokage. Other than that I assure you he would ditch me faster than you can blink.

"Let's make camp here. Then we'll set off at dawn." Neji said breaking me out of my depressing thoughts. I just hoped he didn't notice my facial expression.

"Oh ok. I'll make a crystal dome so no one can attack us while we sleep." I told them as I sat my stuff down.
"Crystal Style: crystal hexagonal prison!" I said as I weaved my hand signs to create the dome. Once done I sat down satisfied with my work and begun to set up my sleeping area before I was rudely interrupted.

"You sure your dome will hold?" Tenten asked rudely as if challenging me. I took offense to it and stood my ground. I was not about to let her, who's weaker than me, tell me off.

"Im positive but if you don't believe me go ahead and try it. Take it down. Be my guest." I said I stood up and crossed my arms. She gave me the meanest glare she could muster. However she didn't try to take down my dome. That's because she knew she couldn't. She's just genin level. I'm a jounin level ninja.

I can't believe her. Thinking she can take me on. She's lost her mind if she thinks that. Next time I fight with her in training I'll take her down and I mean hard. I'm sick of this 'Im better than you because I live her' attitude of hers.

She gave me one last glare before she went back to setting up camp. I made sure the dome was semi big, semi small. Not big so it'll create attention but not to small where we'd be cramped.

"Michigo Lady Tsunade said earlier today that you originally came from blood mist village and that's why she didn't trust you enough to put you captain. Why is that?" Lee spoke up breaking the tension as we finished setting up camp and finally settled down.

"Yeah whats the reason why Lady Tsunade doesn't trust you? Does that mean we shouldn't either?" Tenten piped up again with hostility in her tone not even caring about team work or the mission.

"Guys calm down. It's not that lady hokage doesn't trust her it's just because of the village history and her past. It's nothing personal against her. Michigo has done nothing to make her break her trust. That's all." Neji said defending me even though he wouldn't make eye contact. He was avoiding eye contact all day and I didn't understand why. However I was glad he stuck up for me even though he's made at me.
I sat between Lee and the guy we were escorting back. I couldn't remember his name to save my life however. On the otherside of Lee was Neji and Tenten to his left so that meant Lee was on my right and Neji on Lee's left.

"Thanks." I said watching him spare a glance towards me. He had no emotions written on his face so my face dropped a little knowing he's still mad at me. I didn't like that feeling even though he was mean to me. It was weird I know but still.
"Anyways, it was called blood mist village at one point because there was an evil that happened. One day there was a kid, that wasn't even a ninja, walked into the school and killed over one hundred other students without remorse. They changed the graduation exams after that happened and they were no longer called blood mist village just the hidden mist village." I said staring into the fire.

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