chapter 11 Almira the Summoning Animal

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∼Michigo's POV∼

I was in a deep sleep when I heard a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen. I know the hokage said not to worry but with all those times of the creature breaking in and scaring me half to death, how was I not supposed to be scared. At least this time Neji was with me. I don't do to well with things I cannot see. Finally for the first time Neji was here and it happened.

Finally. Now he won't think it's a ghost anymore.

"Let's go check it out. I'll protect you. No worries." Neji said to me gently. I hated how he was all gentle and nice with me but as soon as we get in public he's rude and mean. I will not fall for it. Not anymore. Lord Orochimaru was right. No one cares for me. Even Lee stopped talking to me.

I just nodded. I mean I was an exceptionally skilled ninja but there were some times where I froze too. Everyone has there fears. Things I cannot see was mine. I mean how can I protect myself against something I cannot see even if they have speed on there side.

"Are you coming or not?" Neji asked but this time it wasn't in an impatient or rude irritating tone. It was a caring tone. It was like he actually cared but I knew better.

"Yes I'm coming." I answered as I jumped out of bed to follow him through the hallway. Then I heard it. It sounded like the swishing of a tail going back and forth.

"What's that sound?" I asked kind of scared.  I moved a little closer to neji hoping he wouldn't mind or push me away and much to my surprise he grabbed my hand and squeezed it like he was reassuring me or something.

"It'll be alright Michigo. I promise and yes there's a black leopard laying on your kitchen floor." He answered nonchalantly. I was shocked that a leopard can get in my apartment and without getting seen or breaking anything. 

"What?!" I asked him in a fearful voice.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you guys. I was only playing. I was sent to guide you in the right direction." The leopard said calmly. I switched the lights on hoping she wouldn't disappear so I can see her finally. When they were on I saw her silky black coat and orange eyes. She stood about my height and was about one couch in length. She was quite big for being a leopard.

"Guide me? Guide me where?" I asked in a defensive tone. I was taken aback by what she said.

Why the hell would I need to be guided? Did lord Orochimaru send her? He only works with snakes though.

"What is your name?" Neji asked ignoring my question. He squeezed me hand one more time before letting go.

"My name is Almira and I'm here for you michigo. I will stay by your side till my time is up. I'm also here to help you train." Almira answered flicking her tail. I took that as a sign of playfulness. 

She wants to play at this hour?

"We'll finish this conversation in the morning. Ok?" Neji finished before anyone could get anymore questions in.

"That sounds good. What is your name young man?" She asked.

"My name is Neji and goodnight. We'll see you in the morning." Neji replied before walking off towards my bedroom dragged me with him.

"Goodnight you two." She answered.

Once morning came I was eager to learn more about Almira. I was eager to learn from whom she was sent and how she's to train me.

Neji's gone? Where did he go? When did he even wake up?

I was confused and got up to get dressed for the day. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine before heading out into the kitchen. I stopped in the hallway when I heard my name.

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