chapter 15

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When I woke up I was confused to as where I was. I looked out the window to try to get an understanding as to where I was. When I saw neji training outside of the hyuuga compound my heart started racing. That's when it all came back to me.

I was taking my jounin exams part 2. The hand to hand combat part and I lost to kurenai sensei. Apparently I need more work on my genjutsu as well as my taijutsu.

I looked around and took in neji's room. It was spotless and organized. Nothing out of place. Nothing on the nightstand except our team photo and an alarm clock. Although I doubt he ever uses it.

It was dusk around dinner time.

Did I really sleep all day?

"Yes you did." Almira's voice made me jumped almost giving me a heart attack.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked getting out of his bed. I made sure to make it before we left his room.

"Yes you did." She answered in a bored tone.

"Hmm... so where are we going? Are we going to train?" I asked even though it was dusk. She nodded her head in response.

"I'm not a genjutsu user but I know who is. So were going to meet him as we speak. He will help train you in genjutsu." She said simply.

I noticed we were walking the path that leads outside the village.

"Where are we going?" I repeated. She shook her head.

"Lady tsunade said it was ok for us to leave the village for training. She will see us off." Almira answered. Answering my unasked questions.

I simply nodded in response as I had nothing else to say. That's when it dawned on me. I hadn't said goodbye to neji yet.

"Wait! I need to say good bye to neji and my friends!" I stopped in a panic running my hands through my hair.

Almira just chuckled and shook her head.
"Hell meet us at the gate along with everyone else. They already have been notified."

"But I saw him outside training in the hyuuga compound just now." I said confused.

"Yes hell be meeting us there shortly. He wanted to get some training in before then. He knows approximately what time well be leaving. If you hadn't woken up I would have woken you up anyway. You just woke a little early that's all." She replied keeping her eyes on the dirt path.

"Ok." I nodded.

it took us little time before the leaf village gates came to view.

"Ok michigo. Its time. Are you ready?" Almira asked.

"Yes I am. How long are we going to be training? I mean away from the village?" I asked looking to her.

She glanced back at me before looking away. "About a year or two."

"That long?" I asked shocked that the hokage would allow someone like me to up and leave the village to train for that long. Someone like me who had just be invited to live inside.

"Yes. Were getting you ready for the chunin exams. You'll be getting your teammates foe the exams when we return. As the chunin exams need a team of three to enter. And your team has four." She explained. I understood now why the hokage let me go now. So the rest of team 2 can train and hone their skills while I hone my skills alone. Since I will be teaming with others. She must've wanted the team to be able to rely on themselves without me being there.

"Alright were here. And so is he. Like I said he would." She answered with a grin on her face. I blushed at the thought of him.

"Well this is goodbye for now neji." I said with a sad smile. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave him. I was afraid because I knew without me being around Tenten has her chance to be with him.

"It is but remember this michigo. Ill be waiting for your return. I know you will train hard and do your best. I believe in you." He said with a smile as he pulled neji into a tight hug. He kissed my forehead softly before pulling away and letting the others come to hug me goodbye.

When I said goodbye to everyone I went to lady hokage to say my goodbyes to her before almira and I left to train with this genjutsu user.

"Until you return michigo train hard. I expect you to do your best." Lady tsunade said with a smile as she saw us off.

I bowed my head and said my goodbyes to her before leaving with Almira.

When we were off of the leaf village lands I finally decided to ask her where we were going.

"Were going just beyond the land of grass. Well be meeting up with him there."
She answered.

"So? Who is this genjutsu user?" I asked curiously.

"His name is Itachi Uchiha." She said simply.

My heart stopped when I heard his name. If I remembered correctly that was the man who murdered his whole clan in a single night with the exception of his younger brother Sasuke.

"W-what?!" I yelled.

"Keep it down. He's the best when it comes to genjutsu. He has agreed to train you in secret. So keep quiet!" She snapped. I flinched at her tone and did as told.


It took us quite awhile to meet up at the rendezvous point.

"So is this where were going to be training?" I asked confused as I saw no one.

"No. Ill be taking you somewhere else to train." I heard a deep voice come from behind.

I practically jumped put of my skin. I turned around and saw two men. One with a large sword wrapped up and the other had sharingan activated.

He must be itachi uchiha. The master of genjutsu.

I took in what he was wearing and noticed they were both wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them.

"So this that crystal style user. Doesn't look like much." The guy with the sword said tauntingly in a gravely voice.

That irked me when I heard that. I was a very strong shinobi.

"Calm yourself michigo. And yes she is the one you are training." Almira said ignoring his remark.

"This is kisame. If that is all well be going then." Itachi introduced the guy and turned and left.

He was a man of few words I noticed. He also never makes any facial expressions which confused me. For a man who murdered his whole clan to never make a facial expression is kind of weird to me.

We were finally off for training. I wouldn't be seeing the leaf village in another two years so I better make the best of this.

That was it until the chunin exams. When I go back ill be a stronger ninja and hopefully neji wont have forgotten me.

The Crystal Style User ( A Neji Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora