Chapter 21 Tears

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Neil's POV

"What did she take? Does that make her a traitor?" I asked frowning. Fear coursed through my body but I didnt let it show. I couldn't.

"Yes Neji it makes her a traitor. And as for the items they took, they were important documents containing the layout of the lead village." Lady Tsunade said clenching her fists tighter.

That could lead to an attack on the village if in the wrong hands.

"This is all your fault!" Naruto spat out at Tenten.

"I did nothing. Its her fault for trying to steal Neji." She defended boldly. I knew she had a strong facade on but deep down she was terrified.

"I was never yours. Keep your head out of the clouds. Its a ninjas duty to keep out all emotions. They would only hinder our job." I said frowning. I glared at her. She knew I was pissed.

"How could you say that?!" Naruto yelled at me glaring. "Isn't she your friend? Don't you care at all what happens to her?"

"OF COURSE I CARE!" I snapped glaring back. That left everyone speechless. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Sorry. I didn't mean to yell. Please forgive me." I apologized all emotions voided once again.

"Naruto contain yourself. Neji is the one whose probably the most affected." Shikamaru stepped in glancing at me giving me a small nod.

I silently thanked him for that.

"Sorry." He said frowning. He glanced at me. I just closed my eyes and awaited further orders from lady fifth.

"What do you expect us to do naruto? Unless they're branded traitors we can't go after them if they have already crossed the borders." Shikamaru said strictly.

"But still. I can't just sit here." He mumbled frustrated.

"How do you think Neji feels?" He argued.

"He doesn't act like he cares very much." Naruto glance up glaring at me. "I know he said he does but he doesn't act like it."

"That's because I'm a ninja." I spoke up frowning.

Naruto just glared at me. Apparently my outburst had no effect if he still glares at me.

"Naruto." Shikamaru said grabbing his attention away from me. "Did you know Neji is in love with her?"

Naruto gasped and glanced to me eyes wide with shock like he couldn't believe it. "Is that true?" He whispered.

"Yes its true." I said eyes closed. I clenched my fists so I wouldn't cry. She betrayed me. She left me. All because of Tenten. "You don't see me acting out do you?"

"If you love her then why do you act like that?!" Naruto snapped.

"Because Naruto I'm a ninja. Its my job." I said glaring at him. "And if you had even a shred of pride then you would stop that yelling of yours." I said frowning.

"Alright that's enough." Lady Tsunade stepped in. "I've decided. We need to go after those three. It's important that we get those documents back."

"So who will be going?" Kakashi asked.

"Asuma you will take Shikamaru, Ino, Neji, and Kiba to bring them back." Lady Tsunade said. "This is a S rank mission. There is no room for failure." Shs frowned.

"Yes mam." Asuma sensei said.

"You will leave immediately. They already have 5 hours ahead of you." Lady Tsunade said seriously. "Your dismissed."

"Yes mam." We bowed and turned to leave.

After leaving the office I headed straight for the gate. I walked ahead of everyone so they wouldn't see the tear that had streamed down my face.

"Hey Neji." Naruto said running up to my side. I wiped away the stray tear and turned to him.

"What is it?" I asked looking to him putting on an emotionless face.

"Make sure you bring her back." He said frowning.

"I promise." I said frowning. I vowed in my heart that I will. No matter the cost. Even if I have to use my gentle fist.

"Alright then is everybody ready to go?" Asuma sensei asked putting out his cigarette.

"Yes were ready." I said turning away from naruto.

"Kiba can you pick up there trail?" Asuma asked.

"Yeah I got it. Its still strong so they havent gotten that far." Kiba said seriously.

"Alright then lead the way. Neji I want you up front with Kiba. Us your Byakugan to sense if there's enemy ninja nearby." Asuma said.

"Understood." I said looking to Kiba and nodding.

"Let's head out. We got a lot of ground to cover. Let's just hope they haven't gone beyond our borders." Asuma demanded.

"Right." We said in unison. After that we headed off.

I'm coming Michigo. Please understand.

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