chapter 19 Testing His Limits

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We finally arrived at the leaf village hospital and I was taken to the back by lady Shizune to get checked out.

She had healed mine and Rintaru's injuries. Said they were that bad. So we could go back to training but not to use that lightning jutsu on anyone in the village again. It was one dangerous jutsu.

Then again I'm assuming she knew of his backstory too. The one where he was previously lord orochimarus student and trained under Ameyuri Ringo. One of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist.

"So before we get there why dont you let me in on why that girl hates you so much? And we can inform Masato later." Rintaru quietly.  He was quiet at first but now that were warmed up with each other hes different. 

It was about a little noon when we got out so there lunch break must be over and back to training. We only have one month. And time flys.

"Well she also like Neji. That guy with the long brown hair. He also has a kekkai genkai. Hes the strongest genin to ever come out of the hidden leaf village." I said looking at the ground.

"Yeah well were the strongest now." Rintaru claimed proudly. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"No were not. Hes still the strongest genin here in the leaf village." I replied. He looked at me and frowned confused making me sigh. "Do you even know who he is?"

"No. I'm not from this village." He retorted.

"Even so anyone should recognize those eyes of his." I looked at him and replied.

"Sorry I dont." He said casually as we got closer.

"Hes apart of the Hyuuga clan." I put it bluntly.

"You mean the Hyuuga clan? The ones with those eyes?" He gasped.

"Yes. He has the byakugan. And I heard his is the strongest of them all." I said looking forward. Smiling a little.

"Meaning he has 360° vision..." he replied slowly. It seems as though he was just realizing he has a worthy rival. Someone who he can strive to beat but most likely never will.

"Yup." I answered simply as we finally got to the training grounds.

"Hey you! Hyuuga boy!" Rintaru yelled as we got closer making Neji and Lee stop there combat.

"What is it?" Neji replied coldly frowning. He contained himself well.

"Fight me." Rintaru said smirking putting an arm around me." Or I'll just fight her again." He pointed to me making me glare up at him. I didnt move his arm because I knew it might have been the only way for Neji to take him on.

"Alright." He said getting in his stance prepared to attack. "BYAKUGAN!"

"You're funeral dude." I said shrugging his arm off and walking over to the sidelines.

"Sure thing sweetheart." He said loud enough for Neji to hear. Which only made him more mad.

"I'm ready anytime you are." Rintaru said pulling out his swords.

Does he know about the gentle fist?

Just then Neji held his right hand to his chest and raced towards Masato. Leaving masato confused as to why he would take him head on.

"Are you an idiot? I'm a lightning style user. Do you wanna die?" He asked enveloping his swords in lightning ready to swing them at Neji.

So hes not going to use any jutsu? Well in any case thank kami.

"Gentle fist!" Neji yelled as he got close enough to strike him. He hit him in the chest. Hard. So hard he dropped his swords and flew a few feet back. He started coughing up blood.

The Crystal Style User ( A Neji Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant