Jounin Exams PART2 one on one combat

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It's been a couple of since the jounin written test and I'm happy to say that I passed. I didn't pass with flying colors but I definitely did better then barely. I did an ok job.

I was about the walk out my door with Almira in tow. It was almost 8 in the morning. Guy sensei and the rest of the village knows by now that I'm taking these exams. Well who wouldn't? I'm just a genin here. Well I'm genin here but on jounin level but only my team and the hokage knew that. So of course everyone is at the training grounds waiting for me to show. Even the hokage is there.

Ill be going up against Asuma sensei first. After that, if I pass, is Kurenai sensei. Lastly will be Guy sensei. He is last because he will be tougher to beat. Considering my taijutsu isn't at its strongest.

However I'm pretty good with ninjutsu and I can see genjutsu a mile away. So the first two tests will be easy to beat. Guy sensei I'm iffy on. I don't know if I can beat him.

"Michigo. You ready?" Almira asked me as we locked up my apartment. I gave a shaky nod. Although I knew she didn't believe me.
She can see right through me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said as we started for the training grounds.

"Lets go. Remember your training. Asuma is a wind and fire style user. You have reason to believe his wind style is better and stronger then yours. Remember your water style and crystal style. You can conquer his fire style with your water style but water style wont do you much good because you're not near any water. Unless you lure him near some water." Almira was coaching me as much as she could before we got there because as soon as we did she would have go off to the side. Then I'm on my own.

"Right." I nodded. Thinking back to try and form a plan. However I never seen Asuma sensei or Kurenai sensei in battle so I had no idea of there fighting style. I however did see Lee's jutsu. I have to assume it's near the same as Guy sensei's, considering they are both taijutsu users. However Guy sensei is a master of taijutsu.

"What about Kurenai sensei?" I asked nervously as we continued walked.

"Your good with genjutsu but you have to assume she's no ordinary genjutsu user. She's a jounin. You have to assume she has many tricks up her sleeve. So stay on your guard." She said seriously as looked up at me. "Also let them make the first move. Try and figure out there jutsu first. Don't make any sudden moves. You don't know what they can do or how powerful they are. As for Guy you have to use your poison blades. That's the only thing that might have any effect on him. He is a lot stronger then you. Crystal style might not work but try that first." She said as we got to the training grounds. I was definitely nervous. That much was obvious.

I saw everyone there. Kakashi sensei and his team along with my team and the other teams. Team 8 and team 10. 

"What if my poison blades don't work? He is a lot faster than me. What then?" I asked glancing around at everyone. Seeing all there judging eyes on me only made me more nervous. I tried my hardest not to show it. Though I'm sure Neji can see through my fascade. 

"So? Is the hokage going to show up or do we start without her?" I asked trying to stall as much time as I could. I clenched my fists down at my side to try and hide my shaking nerves. I did not need Tenten or Kiba know how scared and nervous I was. They would never let me live it down. 

"I'm right here and you can start when you're ready." I heard her voice coming from behind me. I jumped as I was not expecting her to come so quickly. I must've been losing my touch because I should've heard her but I didn't. Was I really that nervous? I must be. 

"Alright I'm ready when you are." I said with as much confidence I had. Which was very little but I had put up a front and tried my best to sound confident, hoping it bypassed everyone.

The Crystal Style User ( A Neji Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora