Chapter 9 Jealousy

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I woke up early the next morning and just like before I woke before Neji. I decided maybe I should get ready and make breakfast since I was the guest in this house. I slowly but surely got out of the bed Neji and I shared without waking him and made my way to Hinata's room. When I got there I was surprised to see Hinata getting up.

"Morning Hinata. What are you doing up so early?" I asked as I grabbed my clothes and made my way to the bathroom slowly.

"Oh I-I get up early to make breakfast for everyone. Why are you up?" She answered me as she put on her usual outfit and ninja gear.

I stopped in the doorway not expecting that kind of answer. Well I wasn't even expecting her to be up this early at all since it was around six thirty in the morning.

"Really? Doesn't everyone cook for themselves or how do things work around here?" I turned around and replied curiously. I decided that I would get dressed in her room while we chatted. I had a feeling that this wasn't just a short conversation then mind your own business type but a more story type with background.

"Oh umm... I do the cooking and cleaning." She replied looking at her mirror to brush her hair and never meeting my eyes. I wondered why she did that. Then I remembered what Neji said before he fell asleep and decided to ask.

"Hey what's the "main branch"? Neji mentioned something about getting stronger in order to protect the main branch." I told her as I was now dressed and brushing my hair once she had finished with hers. She looked down as she sat on her bed. She sighed deeply and I got the feeling it might be not that great. Thinking back I remembered Neji's almost permanent scowl.

Maybe this is why he is in his bad moods all the time.

"Well you see in the Hyuuga clan we have our byakugan. Some people want to steal it and take it for their own so in order to protect the byakugan from others we have a main branch and side branch. The side branch members are branded with the cursed seal signifying a bird in a cage. It's the duty of the side branch members to protect the main family. It's not only for decoration either. If one of the side branch family members doesn't do their job or if they are seen as a threat to the main family, the main family can activate their curse mark turning their brain the mush. It keeps them in check and reminds them of their duty. Also ..." Hinata then suddenly stopped talking and I was about to ask why but then I heard Neji knock outside the door. I was wondering what he was doing here so early.

"Are you ready Michigo?" He asked with his backpack ready. By now it was about 7:30 AM. He must've seen the confusion on my face because he closed his eyes and shook his head in annoyance. Just when I thought we were friends. He goes and has to be mean again.
"We have a mission from Lady Homage and were meeting her now to go over the details." He said as he stepped to the side waiting for me to follow.
I took another glance at Hinata and she smiled at me.

"See you later Michigo." She waved and followed us out. She separated from us and went to the kitchen inside.

"Neji if we don't know the details of the mission why do you have your pack ready to as if we were going over night?" I asked him confused as I stayed one step behind him as I remembered he didn't like me walking next to him.

"We have to go to your house and if it was I won't have to waste time packing my own things while you wait for me because I know you're too afraid to walk into your own apartment alone." He stated as he stopped and turned to me waiting for me to catch up. Obviously wanting me to lead him to my apartment to drop off his things.

Once we got there we saw a team of ANBU black ops leaving. I got anxious and ran up to question how the night went.
"How did it go? Did the creature return? Did you see it?" I bombarded them with questions.

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