chapter 13 promotion

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The next morning I had an unexpected visitor. It was shizune. I looked to her confused. I was just glad that I was already up and dressed for the day. I ate some eggs and fruit for breakfast and was in the middle of washing my plate. I already fed Almira. So we were ready to go after I washed my dish.

"Yes? Can I help you with anything?" I asked politely.

"Lady Tsunade wants to see you right away." She said as she started to walk away. I was assuming she wanted me to follow her right then and there, so I looked to Almira and nodded. We locked up my apartment and ran after Shizune to follow her to the hokages office. When we got there we knocked on her door and waited for entry.

"Come in." We entered and stood in front of her. I was extremely nervous. I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing. I mean it was around 6:30 in the damn morning and Guy senseis training started at 7 am. I couldn't believe how early these leaf people started there day but if the hokage wanted me this early I thought it might have been a bad thing.

What did I do now?

"So I was told that your training is going well. I wanted to inform you that Guy recommended you for a jounin promotion. On one condition. You have to pass several tests. I also want to see you fight several jounin. I want to see how you handle it. I also want to see you handle leading a squad. You and your teammates are going on a mission after your first previous tests. Your are going on a B rank mission with Guy there to observe." Lady Tsunade said as she read some papers. I heard the door open behind me and saw the other teams sensei's. I got excited for a moment thinking of how I can become a jounin but scared at who I might face off against.

"Um mam who am I going up against and what kind of tests do I have to do?" I asked a little nervous. I palms started getting sweaty. I got nervous not only from the tests but from the jounin behind me. Only Guy sensei wasn't there.

"You will start off with a written test. You wont be the only one there either. Several students have been selected. Then you face off against Kurenai, Asuma, then Guy. Kakashi and I will observe. I want to test you and see how you handle these fights. There skills and strengths are different from each other. After that I want you to chose someone it could be from your own team or anyone to be your partner. You and your partner, hopefully you chose someone who can track, but you and them will be inside the forest of death and you will have several objects and other ninja to find. It will be like a mission. Then it will be time for your real mission with your whole team along with Guy sensei. You will be captain of the team during that mission. Is that clear?" She said that all in one go that I barely got any of it.

"Uhmm... yes mam.  So where do I start and when?" I asked. I was even more nervous at how many tests I was to perform.

"You start your written exam one week from today. Guy has your jounin application. Once you get it you will have to sign it then meet in room 101 and turn it in. They will trade it in for the test. This is only a recommendation so if you feel your not ready you can wait any take the chunin exams with the rest of your team. Are you ok with this?" She explained. I was relieved that it wasn't necessary. I was also glad that I had time to prepare if I chose to take them.

"Yes mam. If that is all I will take my leave." I nodded in confirmation. She ok'd it and let me go. It was 7:30 in the morning. I was assuming that Guy sensei knew where I was. Almira and I started heading for the training grounds to meet up with Lee. I still had my taijutsu to work on.

"So will you do it?" Almira asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I was lost in thought.  I honestly didn't know if I wanted to apply for the jounin tests.
"You know michigo I wont be able to help you in your tests. I'm a summoning animal and unless you need me you can't have me as a partner 24/7. Im here to help you train that's it." I was in shock that I couldn't speak.

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