Part 2: Shower

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It was now night time and the boys were getting tired. George went to his bedroom and took off every clothes he was wearing exept his dark gray boxers. He got in the bed and lifted the soft blanket over his legs. He was on his phone looking at random youtube videos for some time until he heard his friend knock on the door. He told him he could enter, so he did. " Hi George, I just want to give you some stuff I forgot to put here before you arrived. Here, take these. " The younger boy gave the older a tissue box, a small trash can, an extra blanket and a second pillow. " Also can I get a hug? It may sound weird to ask that but I'm really happy to finally be with you. " The brit blushed a bit and accepted with pleasure. Clay walked up to him, got on the side of the bed and hugged him tightly. George hugged him back and was smiling like crazy, he couldn't stop. After what felt like forever, they let go and Dream told him good night and went back to his room to sleep.

They both woke up at around 10 am. George put a random shirt and pants on and walked to the kitchen where his friend already was. " You woke up because of the dogs, too? "  Dream asked. He comfirmed and sat at the table asking what can he eat. " How about we make waffles? I bought a waffle maker some time ago " Green man said. " Why not, who doesn't like waffles? " George replied. They got the ingredients out and started putting them in a big bowl. " GEORge be careful to not spill flour everywhere! " " Yeah yeah don't worry Dreamie I got thi- "

10 seconds of pure silence

" I told you! Now you look so stupid with flour all over your shirt, face and arms! " The man started wheezing so hard he almost choked. " SHUT UP Dream " He said with a big smile on his face while rolling his eyes. " I'll go shower after, I'm so hungry I need to eat first " They finished mixing the dry and liquid food to make 1 mix that they poured in the magic, extraordinary waffle maker. They were now cooked and the boys sat down to eat. They poured maple syrup on them and George somehow managed to get some on his hands and his shirt. " Well, that was delicious. So your shower is upstairs, right? " " Yes, I'll come with you to show you where the towels are. " They went in the bathroom and Dream opened a little door with towels in it. " Here they are. Tell me if you ever need help with regulating the water temperature. " He left the room and walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen, since they didn't clean up the mess they ( mostly George lol ) made.

The boy got undressed, turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. Two minutes later he went in it and let the water run down his body. Dream just finished washing the bowl and their plates.


He did not like that sound. That could only be his friend. He knew that he was in the shower... but he HAD to go check on him. He feared he might have fell or something. He ran upstairs yelling " GEORGE?? " and knocked aggressively. No answer. He opened the door who was unlocked because the lock is broken and he always has been too lazy to fix it. " OH MY GOD GEORGE " His friend was passed out on the floor. His feet were still in the shower with the water running and the rest of his body was on the white carpet in front of the shower. He fell on the door, the door opened and he fell on the ground. That explained the loud bang. He turned him on his back and saw his exposed body. First thing he looked at, his lower region. Second thing he noticed, his nose was bleeding. He tried to drag him up to make him sit against the doors of the bathroom counter. He took a washcloth from in the door with the towels and quickly soaked it with water and then washed the blood away on George's body. He rinsed it and held it under the passed out boy's nose. After 5 minutes, the bleeding stopped and he took George's clothes that he had brought with him earlier for when he came out of the shower and put his boxers on with difficulty. He didn't put the rest on because just 1 piece of clothe was already a big struggle. He ran downstairs to get a pillow and a blanket and went back up to the fanart room. He threw the things on the floor and went to the bathroom who was just in front of it. He dragged the boy to the other room, made his head rest on the pillow and covered him with the blanket. He would stay in that room with him until he wakes up.

Words: 850
100+ views last part so this one's out 👌

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