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"Okay here!" I say placing the steaming plates on the table. The two are practical drooling over the bowls. They're leaving a lovely smell around the house and kacchan quickly slaps his hands together before diving in. "Kacchan be careful it's hot!" I scold. No pun intended.

(ps pun definitely intended XD)

Eri as cute as ever coppies Kacchan's lead putting her palms together. "Thanks for the meal!" She say before diving in too. Being more careful and blowing on the mouth full. "Aw Eri is so cute!" I squealed. I take out my phone snapping a shot! Eeeek that's gonna be my new screen saver! Neither noticed or cared. In fact Eri seems happy at the compliment and keeps eating. I stand for a while longer watching the two. "Oi deku go get your food!"
I swear drop at that. "Why thank you lord explosion murder I was waiting for your approval." I roll my eyes as he just glares. It's not serious as we're both smiling. Well no I'm smiling Kacchan is smirking.

Dose he even know how to smile?

That thought soon diverted:

I haven't patrolled in ages. How am I supposed to get out of the house without Kacchan knowing? What should I say? Should I lie! Or tell the truth would he hate me. Yeah he definitely would hate me. He'd tell me off like I'm a 5 year old then go off about how he's insulted by me.
Maybe now that I have important things going on I'll take a step back from vigilante?

If that even possible

"Oi deku why are you still standing there all pale and shi- stuff!" Kacchan shouts correcting his language. I smile at him, "Ah nothing I'll go get my food." I say waving him off. I keep the smile as I walk into the kitchen. I pull out a plate to dish myself some food but before I can my phone vibrates.

Now that's strange. Who would be contacting me at this time? Maybe it's Hitoshi trying to apologise? Ah maybe I over reacted with him...

〈〈 Its time to welcome our new sponsors!
Since the head of the yakuza dropped out for "personal matters"〉〉

I chuckle at the. Personal my ass he's just having at tantrum over Eri being taken. And that he can't find her.

〈〈 Our new sponsor is the charming league of villains! There representative: Dabi 〉〉

Oh no, no no no!

〈〈 As is customary in the ufc
(Underground fight club) we have our leader versus theirs.
Who is our lead you may ask? Well of course it's the faceless vigilante F.I.T.H

We hope to see you there!
Tonight @ 2:45.    〉〉

I don't know when but I dropped my plate smashing it as it made contact with the ground. This obviously alerted Kacchan who raced in here guns blazing only to find me:
A panicking mess on the floor. The phone I had in my hand was now thrown in any direction. Hopefully it broke!

"What the hell! Are you having a tantrum or something?" He said at me annoyed. I shake my head looking up. There's only determination and intimidation in my eyes now. "Katsuki take care of Eri, do not open the door until I return home. Keep the lights low and do not take your eyes off Eri-"

"wait-" he has no time as I cut in again

"Not once! It's not going to be pretty but I have some unfinished business to attend to."

He just gapes are me. Honestly I understand, it's not everyday your "cute house wife" goes into kill mode. "If you'll excuse me." I say bowing my head and quick walking out of there. I could sense his concern but he won't admit it until I'm home and he see how bad I look. I'm not looking forward to this.

The broken plate will have to wait. I now have a very big, very hot,

(as in blue flames he has a boyfriend people!)

very unpleasant problem that I didn't want to deal with.


Soon I'm in my outfit and out the window I only just made it before I heard my bedroom door slam open.
I hear Kacchan rush around and he must have seen the open window. "Izuku!" I hear him shout out of it. His voice is panicked and raspy. I feel awful leaving like this but it's best he doesn't know.

I would hate to put him in danger. Or anyone else for that matter. Eri, mama, Shoto , Shinso. But I'm still mad at him right now. He'll even yagi doesn't really deserve that. So this is the only way. I'll have to make it to the run down part of town to start my patrol I have some time to kill. Why not help a few people? Stop some crime then totally kick ass at the fight club.

- starry

F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Where stories live. Discover now