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"Ah midoriya?" Aizawa's groggy voice sounds. "Yes?" I answer. He holds up his coffee mug and I sigh walking over.

Once I'm close the hobo decided to hit my side. "Ah-ow What was that for?" I exclaimed. He hums deeply. As I swat his hand away. How rude! Has he never heard of personal space? Ugh. "Your injured." He states. I raise an eyebrow at him. I have a good mind not to refill his coffee mug. "Do you want your coffee or not!" I snap.

He gives a look but shuts up. It's then I put two together. Shoot there's no way he thinks that I'm-

Man this guy is good if he suspects me to be the vigilante. Luckily for me, my injured side is just bruised now. However humanly impossible that is of course. And he wouldn't expect the vigilante to have any kind of healing quirk. So thanks to whatever god make me heal quickly.

"It's just a bruise Aizawa nothing to worry about." I laugh. He doesn't seem to believe me, still holding is tongue. "I'm telling the truth I fell." His eyebrow raises in his signature move. I sigh untucking and lifting my shirt up slightly to show the bruises. He grumbles but let's the matter go.

"Why are you so worried Aizawa it's not like you." Nezu perks up. "I'm not. I just have a theory besides I saw that blond boy fuss over it a few days ago." I quietly sigh in relief. deciding not to comment any further.

Nezu hums sipping his tea. "I see. As many of us do. In fact I have several myself-" he wasn't talking about bruises-

And that started the beginning of a 3 hour conversation about all of nezus in depth theories. Luckily for me more customers come into the shop so I politely excused myself. Unfortunately for Aizawa there was no escape. I call it karma.

"Hay midoriya... why do people call me hobo?" -well that's unexpected. I laugh out a little. "A-are you serious?" I say clutching my stomach. He nods and I quickly pull myself together. "W-well it may be due to how you look or act." I say. He stares blinking at me and I continue. "Well you dress in plain black, Have long untamed hair and have What at first glance seems to be a tatty scarf. You also have a bit of a scruffy face and the way you walk could be confused to one of a..." I trail off not knowing how to phrase it. Luckily for me he seems to understand before turning back to Nezu.

So many weird questions from him today. Did I mess his brain up last night?

"Hay nerd!" Ahhhh and here's Kacchan. Joy.

"Yess kac- ooh who are you!" I say immediately focused on the boy behind him. "Damn nerd I was talking to you!" I ignore the Pomeranian Waiting for the new stranger to speak up.

He shifts nervously before making eye contact. "I'm um todoroki Shoto. Nice to meet you..." my eyes widen in realisation. This is endeavours kid!

"Oh my!" I shout out ducking under the counter. I grab a box of spare treats and place it in front of the boy. "For you!" I exclaimed swatting Kacchan hand away from them. The boy looks at me shook. He's about to question it when I place another two glasses down.

"T'nks nerd." Kacchan says grabbing the spicy ice latte and sitting at a booth. "Here todoroki this ones for you. It's a green lemon ice tea. Free of charge of course." I say softly. He hesitates before picking it up and heading over to Kacchan. I smile at him making friends before I spot the box of cookies he left.

I pluck them up and skip across to their table. "You forgot these todoroki. There all for you and your siblings so feel free to take them home. You can always come here to escape whenever you need it."

Kacchan and todoroki look at me dumbfounded. I start getting nervous before I look down picking at my fingers. "Midi-" I look up quickly. "No please call me Izuku!" Then I rush back to behind the counter face flushed. Aizawa spares me a glance but I can't make eye contact.

How could I be so forward. I almost blew cover because of a STRANGER! Well he isn't really a stranger. Ah but Todoroki doesn't even know me, yet I made it seem like I've known him all my life! I'm so stupid. And after I wanted to be friends aswell! Ugh stupid Izuku. Stupid. STUPID. STUPID!

"Izuku? Please don't hit yourself." I stop Too shocked by the smooth voice that drifts easily to my ears. My hand freezes mid hit. "Wha- I um," todoroki stands there face slightly less stoic. He almost gives a smile. "Your not stupid okay? In fact I'm more than happy to meet someone with as much kindness as you show." I must look so silly mouth agape face flushed.

"My apologies todoroki, I overstepped my bounds and-"
"Shoto." He states gently taking my hand. "Call me Shoto..."

I nod politely. "I'm sorry shoto, you may not know me but I've heard a lot about you..." he looks at me a while before replying. "As much as I'm curious about that, I have a strange feeling you won't elaborate."

I laugh at the boy but nod. "I have to keep my confidentiality, but just know two people I've talked to love you very deeply and know how strong you are. They care a lot." I give him a million dollar smile. He seems thoughtful as he returns back to a very confused Bakugo. I'm sure he'll ask me later but until then I carry on working my worries away.

Ooooo I'm writing all these characters like they immediately fall in love with Izuku.
I'm still not set on a ship,,,,,    if this book will have one. So feel free to leave any ship related questions/ideas in a comment!
But I have done two tododeku once so that probably won't be the ship unless it was tododakudeku but I'm not really feeling that either

-starry ^_^☆

F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt