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Shigaraki called someone over. The poor boy looks petrified. "Take Miss. fear to the birds nest would you. Tell him it's a present from me."

I feel dread at those words. Just what have I got myself into? Also how dare he give me away! I'm no toy I tell you. I can feel my urge to give one mighty bitch slap again. I'll have to hold back until necessary.

I keep my show up and follow the man to a new door. The door like the rest of the bar is painted black with bits chipping off. The only difference is the red wings that seem to be spray painted on. It's the same with a few other doors too. One has a pink knife, another a white hand, then a yellow eye, blue flames, a grey gas mask, and a white and black mask. I can't help but wonder if there the main league members rooms. It would explain the pattern.

"Sir? Shigaraki has a present for you," that knocks me out of my thoughts. A low enter is heard before the boy pushes me into the room. I stumbled across the floor landing in someone's arms. "Well well lookie here what I got." I straighten myself up pushing the man away. "Aw don't be so rough princess I only want to play a bit."

I scoff at him turning my head. "I'm no toy." I state. "I don't doubt it but come now," he lifts my chin guiding it to look at him. "Look at me, beauty" for the second time in a few seconds I stumbled again. "H-hawks!? Your a villain!" I shout. He quickly hushes me. "Don't yell."

I cross my arms and pout. "This wasn't the kind of information I was looking for!" His eyebrow raises at me. "What?" I question back. "Your not the only one undercover." I say turning my head.

As soon as I say that I'm pinned against the wall. "Who are you." He demands. Now this won't do. I pluck a knife from my leg and bring it to his throat. "I don't think you're in any position to make demands." He puts one wing to my own throat and smirks back. "I hate over cocky men." I say bringing my knee up into his gut, He releases his hold and steps back gripping his stomach. "Your lucky I aimed high," I brush myself off. "That's better. Now how about a little chit chat?"

"You may seem young but your no newbie are you Miss. Fear." Hawks says inviting me to sit on the bed. "I've been at this a long time and have never see you. Again I'll ask who are you?" I can't help but laugh at that. "Aw hawks baby you flatter me, but I'm afraid to say we've met before when you were on the other side." A cryptic answer as always. I can't give all my secrets away now can I.

"Other side? You mean the heroes?" I nod looking at my nails unimpressed. "Oh dear you're very slow. I'd think that a hero trained by the government in a special facility would be better." I tilt my head smiling.

Wether he's creeped out or just plain scared of me it shows, his eyes widen and a little intake of air is heard. "Who. Are. You!" He demanded again.

My god this guy is a bore. Put the pieces together already hero. Jeez. "I'm Miss. Fear and my name is no joke." I stand up walking to the door. "As fun as this is they're about to call you for your report. The other villains are on a call so no one will hear you. Until we meet again. Ta ta." I leave the room with an evil grin on my face. That was almost too fun. Playing the villain really gives you a rush. I'm lucky my hero analysis is so in depth.

Now onto my next task picking up my bag from the bar and getting the hell outa here.

"Back so soon?" Kurogiri says. I hum at him plucking my bag from the floor. "I'm afraid so your birdy didn't satisfy me and I have another man to see since he stood me up. Thanks for the great time shigi-babe but I'll be off."

Shigaraki stares me down as I leave I close the door and walk out the ally. Tonight was fun. Too fun.

Eeee I still have goose bumps! Such a rush. Now I have to change somewhere incase I get followed. Sure enough I was followed but not by a villain.

"Excuse me miss?" I turn around. "Er me? I'm no miss." I say looking the hero up and down. "Ah sorry have you seen a woman around?" He asks. "Hmm wearing a green dress? Looking really pissed? Also had a load of knifes?" The hero nods "yes exactly!" I shake my head "sorry hawks but I ain't seen her in ages." Hawk's wings slump slightly. "You know her?" He asks hopefully. "You could say that." He rubs his temples mumbling something.

"If your not here to buy then I'm afraid have to go. I'm a very busy person. No much time to spare so-"

"Wait no I'll buy! What am I buying?" Heroes always wast my time. Does this guy not know who he's dealing with. "You don't know me do you? Ah hawks she was right your not to smart are ya?" He just stands blinking at me.

"Look Who I am isn't important. What I know however is. I know everything about everyone. Simple as. You want info sure! But nothing is free." I stare him down. "Again until next time." "Wai-" Too late I'm off. Oh gosh it's hard not to laugh at his face. I'm sure he'll figure it out soon that or Dabi Will tell em. How embarrassing having the number one vigilante under your nose and just letting them go.

I mean it's good for me but not so much for him.

Okay okay! Did you like sassy villain deku pretending to be a girl because that was one of my fave chapters to write. Honestly I hope you can't see the plot twist coming next stay tuned for more fun!

F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora