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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I grown rolling over to slam the annoying alarm clock off. 'Huff I'm so tired what time is it?'

"Izuku sweetheart are you up?"
I hear my mother call to me.
"It's just your alarm has been ringing for 20 minutes."

Wait really? Oh shoot must really have been tired.  Better answer before she gets worried, "Yeah mama I'm up. I'll be out soon!"

"Time to start the day!" I cheer. Rubbing my eyes I swung my legs over the bed frowning at the stiffness. Last night was really something.... I slowly stretch or try, to stretch out my aching muscles. Hearing a few satisfying pops and clicks helping sooth my back a bit.

I walk towards the dresser grabbing an outfit and heading to the bathroom. As soon as I step in and turn the light on I'm met face to face with death. Oh wait no sorry that's me not death. Gosh I look so...? I stare at myself in the mirror a bit longer trying to decide what I look like.

"Ewww." I half whisper coming to my conclusion. I'll be honest I don't really like the way I look. Never really have. I've always felt... off?  It started when I was younger. From age 5 I was classed as weak and fragile. I constantly got miss gendered as a girl.

Then In middle school I was always the "gay" kid or the girl who wears boys uniforms. It was so weird People would fight over my gender but not even ask me what I'm comfortable with.

Honestly I'm glad I dropped out. Just because I look feminine/ scratch that I look very feminine, and how I dressed out of school wasn't your typical style I was given many similar labels. All somehow insulting.

At first it was really awful. I was scared to go to school. The name calling, slurs, abuse and other things I don't even want to remember still haunted my memories. My friend or who I thought was my only friend turned his back on me due to his reputation.

I don't think he ever realised how bad it was until one day. The day the incident occurred. Finally seeing what was happening to me in front of his eyes, my childhood friend stood up from me. I was so embarrassed, confused and grateful all at the same time.

After that strange outburst. The bullying became more mental, then faded to almost non existent looks. No one dare touch me. It was like I'd been claimed. No one could touch me since I belonged to someone.

Obviously I didn't belong to anyone but since the stronger student and head student in the school had clearly said back off, No one and I mean no one wanted to piss of bakugou. So I was left to myself and those strange silent lunches when he would sit and eat with me.

I'd like to point out this was The Bakugo. The boy that could single handedly blow up the whole school and kill a person with the snap of this fingers. Literally he could do that!!!

At first I was angry that he did what he did. I thought maybe it was out of pity or he was asked by his mom. I'm not some charity case, and I wasn't that weak. Looking back that was the turning point for me.

It made me sad to think he only wanted to help because he was forced to. But of course me being who I am and jumping to conclusions that are in fact incorrect. In fact I still remember that day. The day Bakugo accepted me.

"Izuku Hun the bakugo's are here!" My mother called out. I take a deep breath calming my nerves. Today's the day. I will confront him on 'it'. "Coming!" I yell back skipping towards the main room. "Mitsuki! Katsuki! Welcome, come on in. I just made tea. Izuku sweetie why don't you take Katsuki here to your room while we mums chat?" I gulp and nod my head. "T-this way Kacchan." He makes a 'tch' sound but followed me regardless.

Once we arrived I sat on my bed inviting him to sit too. I was almost shaking with emotions poor Kacchan was probably so confused by it.

"K-Kacchan I need to ask you something p-please."  I looked up, He was just glaring at me to get to the point. "Oh-oh well you see did you stop that guy a-and the bullies because you were forced to?" His red eyes widen slightly. He looked disappointed somehow.

"Damn nerd of course I didn't." I knew it. I look down sadly. "So it was out of pity?" I ask quietly. He grunts lifting my head. "Listen now and listen well you deku. I did what I did because I wanted to. No one asked me too and I don't pity you." That was... unexpected! "You care?" I ask unbelieving. He turns his head in answer. "Huh thank you Kacchan."

I was happy that day. I still had one friend. And still from that day on Kacchan was nicer to me. Deku changed meanings and now I don't flinch at the sound of it.

But alas All good things must end.

Kacchan was aiming for UA and I wasn't. So I decided to drop out. I opened a cafe to help mama with money. She didn't accept my dads offers to help financially since they aren't legally married. I run the shop almost every day. It was a really good idea on my part.  I hear all sorts of info working there. Of course my dad usually comes to say hi.

He's the one who helped me set it up. I don't mind him much but I wouldn't say I super love him. He's just- well he's a pro hero a big one at that. He started leaving my mama when I was 5.  He still comes over loads and celebrates with us. Practically lives with us. He's not like my mamas first husband. He was evil. We don't talk about him. Mama actually like my dad and I'm sure they'll get married one day.

"Izuku are you heading out?" My mother called to me. "Yeah I'm going to the cafe. See you later! Love you." I take the short walk to my cafe. It's soon in view the pastel green painted walls and the big name sign. deku's place】 I smile unlocking the door and setting up.

I feel like today will be interesting. But why?

A few customers come in and out through the day. Nothing to hectic. I just finished an order when two men come into the shop. They sit in a booth and I pale at the sight.

Eraserhead and president mic. I bet it was my dad who recommended this place. That or eraserhead figured out who I am. Unlucky but not impossible. I place the drink to the customer and walk over to their booth.

"Hi there and welcome to dekus place. What can I get ya?" I ask smiling brightly. "Black coffee." The hobo says flatly. I jot it down glancing to the blond. "Oh I'll have the special pleeeeeaaaaaase~!" I nod again. "Okay they will be right over!" I say skipping back behind the counter.

Once I served the two heroes Their drinks. A certain someone decided to pay a visit.

"Yagi I told you your band from here!" I say lightly to the scraggy man. "Izuku stop calling me yagi! And you can't ban the owner." I roll my eyes stomping towards the man. "This is my cafe. My rules. What do you want?" I ask. The man points to the two heroes. "Ah eraserhead and Mic? Fine you can stay!" I see him smile kindly at me before heading to the heroes.

He's kind to me and loves me so I don't know why I'm so mad. Maybe it's because work keeps him from our family or that my mama always worries about him. Maybe my dislike stems deeper then that. To the more darker days.

"Hay All M-" "Izuku! Not in this form!" He hushes me. "No ones here and they should know. Plus you told me not to call you yagi!." I argued back. "Erm yagi? Who's this little listener?" "Yeah and how does he know us?" Aizawa perks in. I see my dad sigh in defeat. Then starts laughing. I roll my eyes getting him his favourite drink.

"This is my son Izuku." They freeze before mic yells out. "Son?! I thought you were a girl!" "Zashi!" Aizawa scolds. The blond looks down. "Sorry." He mumbles. I laugh. "It's fine I get that a lot. Now dad. What do you want. Before I kick you out."



F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Where stories live. Discover now