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Hi everyone I just want to take a quick sec to thank you all! We're past 3k reads and that's so awesome! I'm so glad you're enjoying my book that much.

Once I'm out of the street I hop up onto my favourite roof. It's cosy quiet and best of all has no entrance to it. So no one can come up and disturb me. Unless a hero decided to. Other than that A total score if you ask me.

I grab my bag and dig through it. Now I'm changed it's harder to find. I pull some clothes out and catch a glimpse of metal. Ah here it is perfect. I pull out the recording device. Hopefully I got some good info on the league now. I rewind the tape before pressing play.

"so where did you send that girl?"
"Hmm? Oh to our little birdy. He loves to play with mice."
"I don't know young master she seems dangerous..."
"Like I don't know that fool but she's nothing much when compared to a man like him."

I'm disappointed in the villains I would have thought they had more hope in me than that still funny to think I fooled them.

"now what time will master be calling?"
"Soon. He will be talking to us about overhaul and his daughter Eri. It seems she has taken to running off. Heroes are bound to spot her one day, so he wants more eyes."
"A brat? What does she look like?"
"I believe she's 6 has silver/blue hair and red eyes, she has a horn on her head due to her quirk. Reverse, she's very powerful."
"Ugh are they close by?"
"Yes about two blocks they have the culture house as there hidden base but other than that I know no more."
"I see."

There's a pause in the recording I can't hear anything. That or no one is speaking.

"back so soon?"
"I'm afraid so your birdy didn't satisfy me, and I have another man to see since he stood me up. Thanks for the great time shigi -babe but I'll be off..."

I laugh hearing my voice back. I really sounded weird. No wonder they were suspicious. I stop the sound as it's just me from then on.

But more on that girl. "Eri?" I say to myself. What's a kid like her doing messed up in this?  I feel so bad it must be torture. I shiver as my thoughts go down that path. I have to find her. She could be in big trouble if I don't.

I hope over roof tops till I can see the culture house. It looks like all the others on the street nothing out of the ordinary. It's a posh neighbourhood a great hiding place.

"I need a plan." I say out loud. For the next twenty minutes I start coming up with a plan. I monitor the hideouts patrol patterns and any inconveniences I may face.

I'm about to leave when a big black car pulls up. I duck down to watch what's happening. I tall man in a green coat comes out, of the house.  He has a big bird mask on and a gloved hand is holding someone's. Wait. Is that Eri?
Okay new plan follow that car!

I'm regretting this plan. The car is moving fast and weaving all over that place. It's hard to keep up and in eyesight. It finally stopped out side a dock. The masked man I guess overhaul and the other lacky get out. If I'm right, it's a 50/50 chance, that only leaves Eri in the car.

This is almost too easy! I sneak down hiding behind a shipping container. I hear the two walk off and enter a crate. Perfect. I run over to the car and quietly open the door. The little girl inside looks petrified at a strangers face. I'm the stranger. Sadly there really isn't anytime for introducing myself. "Eri? I'm taking you now okay? Please don't make a noise." I rush out. She nods slowly letting me pick he up. She very light which concerns me but I have no time. I shut the door as gently as I can the take off running.

I climb onto the same container and leap onto a nearby wall. Using the fire ladder I climb up and onto the roof. The young girl is clinging to my suit so tightly yet she still isn't making a noice. "Okay Eri I'm going to take you to my friends house he'll look after you okay?" I shout as I dodge heroes and traffic. I feel her nod into my chest as I keep going.

It's painful and Im so out of breath but I can't let her get captured again. I don't know what was happening to her but she's too small and too well behaved for a kid. I make it to my building and drop her down onto my floor. She reluctantly lets go and pops up to me with glassy eyes. My heart aches for her but it's for her own good she doesn't know me. "Okay Eri can you count?" I ask gently. She nods a little. "That's amazing do you know the number 12?" I ask again. She nods keeping her eyes on the ground. "Good job. Eri can you go to the door with 12 on it and ring the bell. My friends will explain everything to you then okay?" She nods slowly giving me a final hug before running down the hall. I smile before dashing out and to my window.

"I hate climbing walls to get to windows!" I complain throwing myself in. I rush to get changes just as the door rings. I run full speed to the door opening it with a wide smile. "Hi! Are you Eri? I ask kindly.  She nods and I offer my hand to her. "Come on in then!" I beam. I take some time to catch my breath. My shoulder are up and down.

She looks at me then my hand. She reaches her own out and takes it tightly. I noticed that her arms were covered in bandage aswell as he legs.  I shut the door behind me and lead her to my room.

"Okay Eri take a seat I'll be back really soon..." she sits but doesn't let go of my hand. I smile sadly feeling my heart hurt again. "It's okay sweets I'm just getting the first aid kit okay?" She doesn't look up gripping tightly to my hand. I sigh and crouch down. "Okay then. Do you want to come with me?" She looks up quickly her eyes hopeful. "Come on then!"

Eri's here eri's here! Whoop! Dumb overhaul leaving her alone.

F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Where stories live. Discover now