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The clock lazily hits 8. The internal battle of wether or not to patrol comes creeping back into my head. I linger by my dresser, which to choose, which to choose? Comfort and peace or a bunny mask and a death wish.

Most people would choose option A. I'm not most people. You probably know this by now. I crawl over to my "suit" about to sling it on. I pause for a moment my brain working overtime.

What is my end point of tonight? To get information? On who the league the yakuza? What's the best way to tempt words out of villains. Most of them are men so maybe some seduction? If so my normal outfit would not work.

"Ah! I look so cute!" I squealed, adjust the outfit slightly to fit my mission for tonight. I slid a emerald green dress over a long black sleeve top. The dress falls to the floor revealing one leg through a slit. On that leg I add my knife holder and slip on some black boots. I have a feeling it will be another long night.


The lights of the streets flicker to life as I wonder aimlessly. The colours ,mainly red, Bounce of polished windows and shiny metal polls. Sometimes wandering around with no location in mined is relaxing. It lets your mind wander and refresh in the night breeze.

It's one of the reasons I put my suit on when I patrol.

If I didn't and I was walking out this late I'd be seen as an easy target. Obviously I'm not but when I'm out in public as Izuku yagi/midoriya I have a certain reputation to keep. The weaker I seem the better. I purposely act more dainty to give me a certain aura. It draws away from the "badass" vigilante that hides underneath.

In other words the more innocent and defenceless I am the more distance is put between me and F.I.T.H. If I can fool my closest friends and family I can fool the rest of the world. It's not "Izuku" I have to worry about. It's the chatter box vigilante that has way to much confidence.

It's like I'm a whole new person. I'm witty, sarcastic and street smart. I can fire answers and remarks at break neck speed. Successfully pissing off most pro heroes and police officers.

I can masquerade as the greatest most powerful person alive and know one would know who I am. Okay I may be over exaggerating there but I'm no push over! At least not to most people.

I could slip up and know one would be able to harass me about it because my identity is still unknown.

I'm a mystery. Sadly it seems that's a trait I carry in every persona. It's the one solid connection. Not a lot of people know much about me, vigilante or not.

My mindless wondering has brought me to a broken down part of town.  That explains the cat-calling I forgot I was posing as a woman. I give a scowl and show off my knifes. It intimidates them enough to back off.

It's the kinda place like films show, dark alleyways, flickering streetlights, rundown bars and strip clubs full to the brim with societies "outcasts". And here I am dressed as an assassin.

I fit in here. They think I'm one of them and don't bat an eye. I could use this to my advantage. I hop into the next bar trying my best to seem older aswell as less heroic.

I'm like a mouse plotting to take the cheese without the trap springing. Information is what I'm After and information is what I'll get.

I walk through the street putting on my next facade. I decide a female villain will suit this sort of job well. I step in and the wave of smoke and alcohol hits me hard. I'm so glade for this mask. I silently pray that no one will engage with me unless I initiate it.

Slinging between drunk criminals and law breakers I make my way to the bar. The rusty stool creeks and groans as I plop down, I cross my ankles and look up. The man behind the bar, a high level villain, kurogiri spares me a look.

"A child in my bar. I must be mistaken..." he starts placing the glass he polished down. To say we're in a run down area and despite the out side appearance the bar is clean. At lease the patch the mist man holds is.

"Mistaken you are my dear~," I start rolling the words playfully. I play a cool glare into my eyes. "I'm no kid. Yet I'm flattered by your thoughts." I add onto the end. He eyes me suspiciously or I guess he does. The yellow holes in his head never move or indicate any emotion. Instead they seem to ooze the yellow liquid in a trail that aimed for the sky. And as there's no identification of a mouth. You really do have to act on gut feeling.

"Can I offer you a drink..." he trails off looking for my name. "Some people call me Miss. fear, darling~" I say back. His face still a void of emotion yet I see his mist flicker. A clear indication I'm doing well. "Well Miss. Fear a drink?"

After holding down a few cocktails I finally hear what I'm looking for.
A good job too I hate this alcohol. I've been throwing most out or tipping it to others when they're not looking. Honestly I'm still a kid I don't want to drink if I don't have to.

"Young master, your late."

"Yes what of it. Say who's this?" He points a dry cracked hand in my direction. "This is Miss. Fear , I offered her a drink." It's simple and to the point. Not much of anything really. "Well tell your lady to scram. Master will be calling about the girl soon. I want no distractions." I didn't like the way he implied lady. It was almost as if he was jealous in his own way.

There's a pause, the only sound coming from the "young master" ragged breathing due to I guess the hand mask on his face. And the scratching sound as he rubs his raw neck more. I cuckly thinking about the dogs that have cones for there head. I spin the neck of the glass in my hand. If I didn't value my life I may have voiced my opinion. Finally a reply sounds out. "Understood tomura."

"Miss. Fear if you would be so kind," I chuckle louder. "Not at all, I was only here to meet someone yet they never appeared," I think of my words carefully, "I'd hate to think they stood me up." I pout trying to push my act to the villains. "It seems that will be his last decision. Oh how I hate to get dirty on a nice night like this. No matter. Later boys pleasure as always." I stand swaying my hips slightly and waving gracefully over my shoulder. I believe I played my part well. As I hear a reply almost immediately. "Wait."

I pause my stride and turn slightly. "Yes?" I inquired tilting my head to the side. "Miss. Fear was it? You have my attention." I smile at the boy. "My my it seem tonight won't be too bad after all... I say what do you ask of me shigaraki?" He removes his hand from his face and reveals a smile that makes me sick.

"How about you stay for a while? I'm sure you could be of use." Revolting. Who does he think he is! I have half a mind you slap him and leave but I know I don't have that choice. "Wow your a smooth one, I like you already~" I feel disgusting as the words leave my lips. Yet here I am swaying my hips over to him. He grabs my waist once I'm close enough being carful to keep one finger up. "Yes Miss. fear I know someone who'll like you..."

Dun dun duuuuun!
Who is it? What will happen?
Am I running out of ideas? No way!

F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Where stories live. Discover now